
Nordhavn, Hovedstaden 783 følgere

Grow green with minimalistic Nordic style and minimal effort

Om os

Grønt liv, bæredygtighed og dansk design. Squarely er sat i verden for at gøre det nemmere at holde dine planter i live – også i en travl hverdag. Vi forener urban gardening og nordisk design i en serie af bæredygtige produkter til ude og inde.

2-10 medarbejdere
Nordhavn, Hovedstaden
design, bæredygtighed, innovation, urban gardening, altankasser, plantekasser, green living, sustainability, urban farming, selvvanding, dansk design, nordisk design, webshop, håndlavede, kvalitet, kommunikation og marketing


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    Aarhusgade 131

    Nordhavn, Hovedstaden 2150, DK

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  • The vision of SQUARELY: https://lnkd.in/dnB5hxV6

    Se profil for Agnieszka Jacobs

    Driving Sustainable Innovation: CEO at SQUARELY | Architect & Green Entrepreneur | DGNB Auditor - Crafting Strategies for Sustainable Buildings and Executing DGNB Certifications

    When I started SQUARELY COPENHAGEN, I had a clear vision: to make nature an essential part of interior design,in a way that benefits everyone in the space. It’s about more than aesthetics. It’s about well-being, air quality, and creating a living environment that people thrive in. Too many offices still feel cold and uninspiring—rows of screens, dark desks, and lifeless carpets. There are thousands of these spaces around us. This sketch below is a glimpse into that idea. Imagine an office where greenery is actually as integral as the furniture, and see how big of the difference it makes. Space where nature and design work together to create places people actually want to be in. And the best part? It doesn’t require a major renovation—just a shift in perspective, and adding few elements. 🌱 But plants need the right frame. It’s not just about adding greenery—it’s about making it beautiful, and making it last. High-quality natural planters, room dividers with natural textiles, and thoughtful designs ensure that plants become a highlight. A well-designed frame makes greenery a ''natural part'' of the space—not an afterthought. At SQUARELY, we work to integrate the natural materials and greenery seamlessly in our spaces. The future of design is biophilic, and we’re here to make it effortless :) How do you incorporate nature into your workspace? 🌱✨ #biophilicdesign #Squarely #GreenWorkspaces #SustainableDesign #NaturalMaterials

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  • From Sketch to Space: The Journey of a Truly Custom Design... We've always believed that great design is about more than aesthetics—it’s about solving real problems and creating something that is meaningful for someone. But let me tell you, sometimes real problems include figuring out how to transport a 3-meter-wide planter without losing your sanity. https://lnkd.in/dXyDmwyM

    Se profil for Agnieszka Jacobs

    Driving Sustainable Innovation: CEO at SQUARELY | Architect & Green Entrepreneur | DGNB Auditor - Crafting Strategies for Sustainable Buildings and Executing DGNB Certifications

    From Sketch to Space: The Journey of a Truly Custom Design... I've always believed that great design is about more than aesthetics—it’s about solving real problems and creating something that is meaningful for someone. But let me tell you, sometimes real problems include figuring out how to transport a 3-meter-wide planter without losing your sanity. Recently at SQUARELY COPENHAGEN, we took on a project that we’re incredibly excited about: filling an office space with greenery and our ''signature'' planters, everybody loves solid oak in scale. But these aren’t the average planters. They’re custom-designed giants, tailored to the client’s specific needs, each one built to bring life to their vision of a greener, more inspiring workplace. Customization is a big part of what we do, and while it can be challenging, it’s also where the magic happens. Collaborating with architects (this case PLH Arkitekter, clients, and our design team, we’ve spent years refining our core products. Then, we add new features and ideas to meet unique demands, as in this case an Espalier, with a custom design of a metal net. It’s like building on a strong foundation—a process that turns every project into a creative partnership. But let’s not forget the logistics. Designing something beautiful is one thing; making sure it can be transported, installed, and actually used is another. When we saw these massive planters take shape in our workshop, the first thought was, “Wow, they’re stunning.” The second? “How on earth are we going to move them?” Cue the planning, measuring, and a whole lot of coffee-fueled problem-solving. Watching our installation team carefully maneuver these custom giants into place felt like seeing months of hard work come to life—literally. It’s not just about making products that stand tall; it’s about ensuring they’re practical, durable, and ready to create a lasting impact. Now, we’re counting the days until these planters are filled with greenery, that climbs on those custom metal nets. We can’t wait to see how they add to the twoday space—and the people who work there. After all, when design meets function and nature, something amazing happens... Stay tuned for the final reveal (and maybe a few more behind-the-scenes moments along the way)!

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  • At Squarely Copenhagen, every customized project is a journey of creativity, collaboration, and precision. 🌱   We’re thrilled to share a behind-the-scenes look at the process of creating a large order of customized wooden planters and plant furniture, which will be delivered and installed next week. From initial sketches and prototypes to testing how the final products fit perfectly into a lorry for transport, every step has been an exciting challenge.   Custom designs push us to innovate and adapt, but the reward is always worth it: a solution that fits seamlessly into our clients' vision and space. Whether it’s improving indoor air quality, bringing biophilic design to life, or adding greenery to a project, our customized planters are tailored to meet unique needs.   If you're an architect, builder, or interior designer working on a project that focuses on a healthy indoor climate, biophilic design, or integrating plants, let’s talk! Together, we can create sustainable, Nordic-inspired solutions that transform any space.   📸 Check out the photos for a glimpse into the process, and stay tuned for the final installation!   #BiophilicDesign #IndoorClimate #CustomDesign #NordicDesign #GreenSpaces

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  • We are very pleased to be a part of this innovative showroom/store in beautiful Graz in Austria. Thanks to Markus Michenthaler and his team for all their efforts to create this space and to work together for a better tomorrow.

    Se profil for Markus Michenthaler

    Markus Michenthaler-INDIVIDUALIST UND KREATIVER KOPF Folge mir wenn Du Interesse an modernen, ergonomischen und nachhaltigen Einrichtungslösungen hast

    Unser November 11/24 😊 Wir haben uns im November voll und ganz Green Square gewidmet und auch schon die ersten Termine in unserem Store wahrgenommen 💚 Um flexibel für Euch da sein zu können haben wir keine fixen Öffnungszeiten - wenn es Euch also mal nach Graz verschlägt - unbedingt bei uns vorbeischauen aber vorher anrufen nicht vergessen. Diesmal stellen wir zwei Partner vor mit denen man wunderbar die Natur ins Innere holen kann. Mooserie - Natürliche Wandgestaltung mit Moos, Teamevent aus Österreich und SQUARELY COPENHAGEN aus Dänemark. 🍀 Mit #Mooserie aus Mondsee haben wir den wohl kreativsten #Mooskünstler als Partner gewonnen und es ist eine Freude mit dem Mooserie-Team zu arbeiten - tolles Design, super Qualität der Produkte und nachhaltiger sowie umweltschonender Umgang mit dem Naturmaterial #Moos. Von maßgeschneiderten Wand- und Deckenpaneelen, auch mit Beleuchtung möglich, Moosplaneten, individuelle Porträts oder Firmenlogos - Daniela und Ihr Team schaffen es mit Leichtigkeit Kundenwünsche Realität werden zu lassen. Zusätzlich könnt Ihr bei Moos-Workshops (bald auch bei uns in Graz) selbst Hand anlegen und euer eigenes Moos-Kunstwerk gestalten. Moos-Kunstwerke finden Ihren Platz im Büro, zu Hause, einfach überall wo "mehr Natur" gewünscht ist. Das tolle daran ist, dass die Moos-Kunstwerke völlig wartungsfrei und einfach zu installieren sind - einfach die Natur genießen 💚 Dank #Squarely_Copenhagen wird selbst der "schwärzeste Daumen" grün 🌿 Ihre Pflanzen gedeihen wie von Zauberhand und Sie sparen dabei auch noch Zeit, denn die umweltfreundlichen Pflanzenmöbel von Squarely sind mit einem cleveren Selbstbewässerungssystem ausgestattet.💡 Dank des Kapillareffekts bleibt die Erde immer schön feucht und Ihre Pflanze bekommt genau die richtige Menge Wasser. Gießen? Nur 1-2 Mal im Monat, je nach Pflanze – das spart Zeit und Energie, sodass Sie sich trotz des stressigen Alltags an prächtigen grünen Oasen erfreuen können – selbst in einem trockenen Sommer. ☀️ Nachhaltigkeit ist bei Squarely nicht nur ein Wort, sondern ein Lebensstil – es wird nur hochwertiges, überschüssiges Holz aus anderen Produktionen verwendet und die Einsätze sind aus recyceltem oder wiederverwendetem Kunststoff ♻️. Ihrer Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt: SQUARELY kann in jedem Raum, ob drinnen oder draußen, an Wänden, Balkonen und auf vielfältige Weise eingesetzt werden. Squarely fällt auf, weil es einfach mehr ist, als nur ein Pflanzgefäß 💚 Eine kleine aber feine Kollektion von Mooserie, Squarely und weiteren spannenden Partnern wartet auf Euch im Store in Graz - anschauen, fühlen und sich inspirieren lassen - wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch. 😊 Bis bald   Markus + Team   TOGETHER FOR A BETTER TOMORROW 💚

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  • 🌿 Our third project with UNIQLO—this time in the beautiful city of Stockholm! We’re excited to work with UNIQLO's mission of sustainable fashion by delivering our self-watering plant solutions to their stores. UNIQLO is a fantastic example of how fashion can slow down, focusing on timeless basics and offering clothing repair services to extend the life of their garments. What we love most about this collaboration is how Uniqlo’s team members have embraced plant care themselves. Self-watering design makes it easy and stress-free, perfectly aligning with UNIQLO's values of simplicity and quality. https://lnkd.in/ddpG8Eu3

    Se profil for Agnieszka Jacobs

    Driving Sustainable Innovation: CEO at SQUARELY | Architect & Green Entrepreneur | DGNB Auditor - Crafting Strategies for Sustainable Buildings and Executing DGNB Certifications

    🌿 Our third project with UNIQLO—this time in the beautiful city of Stockholm! We’re excited to work with UNIQLO's mission of sustainable fashion by delivering our self-watering plant solutions to their stores. UNIQLO is a fantastic example of how fashion can slow down, focusing on timeless basics and offering clothing repair services to extend the life of their garments. What we love most about this collaboration is how Uniqlo’s team members have embraced plant care themselves. Self-watering design makes it easy and stress-free, perfectly aligning with UNIQLO's values of simplicity and quality. UNIQLO's was drawn to SQUARELY products because of our commitment to natural materials, minimalist aesthetics, and local production. It’s inspiring to see such a globally recognized brand choosing to invest in products that reflect a deep respect for nature and sustainable practices. Thank you, UNIQLO and Iona Sjöfn Huntingdon-Williams and Vytaute Bardauskaite for partnering with us to bring more greenery into your spaces and for supporting local, sustainable production. We can’t wait to see how this partnership continues to grow! 🌱 #SQUARELY #Uniqlo #Sustainability #LocalProduction #IndoorPlants #SelfWatering #Collaboration #Stockholm

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  • Spændende nyheder hos SQUARELY! 🎉 Vi er glade for at kunne byde vores nye bestyrelsesmedlem, Heidi Rosendal Larsen, velkommen til teamet. Jeg er taknemmelig for hendes ekspertise og de nye perspektiver, hun vil bringe med sig. Jeg ser virkelig frem til bestyrelsesarbejdet med Heidi og til at løfte SQUARELY COPENHAGEN til nye højder sammen med en så dygtig og erfaren professionel. De første møder har allerede banet vejen for en spændende ny retning for SQUARELY. https://lnkd.in/d_Mkjz27

    Se profil for Heidi Rosendal Larsen

    Board Member l Strategic Advisor l CEO @ Plus 7 l Deep insights on International Business Strategy & Global Supply Chain and Author of several books on Chinese Business Culture.

    🌟 Bestyrelsesnyt 🌟 Jeg glæder mig til mange nye projekter her henover efteråret, men især glæder jeg mig til samarbejdet med dygtige Agnieszka og resten af holdet hos SQUARELY COPENHAGEN, hvor jeg før sommerferien blev en del af bestyrelsen. 🌱 Agendaen er at forbedre indeklima i både kontorer og boliger, og det gør de ved at producere super lækre og smukke plantekasser med et nemt selvvandingssystem. Se mere her https://lnkd.in/dSEf-tis 💡Vi er allerede i fuld gang med at sparre om alt fra optimering til nye forretningsområder - og jeg er imponeret over den energi og drivkraft der er forankret i virksomheden. Jeg er meget ydmyg over at komme med på holdet; vi går en spændende fremtid i møde! Tak til Barbara for at connecte og til Agnieszka og investorkredsen for tilliden 🙏

  • 🌟 SQUARELY COPENHAGEN invites you to 3daysofdesign! 🌟 Join us from June 12th to 14th for UNIFIED ‘Dreamscapes’ - a captivating collaborative exhibition featuring 9 curated brands at Bredgade 66 in the heart of Copenhagen. We're creating a unique experience for our guests, highlighting the power of collaboration and co-creation in times of division. Experience inspiring moments of reflection and awaken your senses as we share our hopes, visions, and innovative solutions for a better future. We've curated an engaging program during 3daysofdesign, featuring design talks, meditation sessions with a leading yoga master, guided tours, and networking with bubbles and chocolate. There's something for everyone. Check out the attached program and join us in celebrating creativity and community. Discover our exciting new collections, UNFOLD and BLOOM. UNFOLD is our new outdoor collection made from upcycled Danish Superwood, designed to withstand all weather conditions. Come and see the results of our collaboration with THE UPCYCL and the Danish facade producer Superwood. Experience BLOOM, our new exquisite indoor collection adding character to any space. We look forward to welcoming you to beautiful Copenhagen! UNIFIED is a collaboration between SQUARELY COPENHAGEN, Wecycle Furniture, and Dansk Design Invest studio, including NUAD, WABI SABI NORDIC ,Wehlers, ReCollector, Hemverk, KODANSKA and Plauborg Furniture. #3daysofdesign #SQUARELYCOPENHAGEN #UNIFIEDDreamscapes #DesignExhibition #biophilicdesign #CopenhagenDesign #NewCollections #DesignTrends  

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  • We are introducing the exquisite collection of self-watering planters from SQUARELY COPENHAGEN, Bloom series, available in four sophisticated natural natural colours; Choose Terracotta for a warm, earthy ambiance, Meadow Green for the freshness of spring mornings, Forest Green for a touch of woodland charm, or Ocean Blue to infuse the calming essence of the sea into your indoor space. Designed with a Scandinavian flair, Bloom planters add character to your space. Cultivating a thriving indoor garden has never been easier, thanks to our innovative self-watering system that simplifies plant care, allowing you more time to relish your lush indoor haven. https://lnkd.in/g3Cc3Kew #productlaunch #danishdesign #productdesign

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  • Higher quality products with less waste: this can only be the result of good collaborations. That's why we're proud to partner with THE UPCYCL and Superwood to bring our newest collection of planters to life: Unfold. Crafted from discarded Superwood, each piece in this collection demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility without compromising on style or quality. https://lnkd.in/dUudWumY

    Se organisationssiden for THE UPCYCL

    6.692 følgere

    Circular Case Presentation 🎉🌱: Superwood + SQUARELY COPENHAGEN 💚 When Build Industry meets Outdoor Decor - Waste Circulation happens 💘 ♻️ A collaboration where discarded Scandinavian Superwood is used as Outdoor Planters in a new Unfold Collection ♻️ The planters are resilient in earthy colors, crafted from discarded superwood that will withstand all weather conditions. Win-Win + Win🌎 This beautiful circular collaboration and product – is a result of strategic and engaged work from both partners, to insist in creating better sustainable alternative! 💚 Together, we are giving surplus materials a longer life, preventing them from becoming waste, and transforming them into aesthetic and functional products! Big Congrats to both members involved Superwood and SQUARELY COPENHAGEN - Sofie Mora Kristensen, Pernille Gøbel, Barbara Rombach & Agnieszka Jacobs !👏 We can only be Circular together💪💚

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  • "biophilic design is the starting point toward regenerative architecture" ”We will never be truly healthy, satisfied, or fulfilled if we live apart and alienated from the environment from which we evolved.” (Stephen R. Kellert, 2012) Last week we had the pleasure of hosting two events together with architect and keynote speaker Liesbeth Reekmans from Belgium, Meet2Build - netværk med fokus, Byens Netværk, and our friends from Wehlers. Many guests joined us to learn more about biophilic design and to understand the underlying principles and its uncountable benefits. 🔬 Biopholic design is an applied science that uses discoveries about our relationship with nature for the design of our artificial environments. 👥 It's a multidisciplinary practice. 🌿 It's about the innate connection that human beings have with nature. 💰 And yes, there is evidence of increased production and efficiency through health benefits. 🙏 Thanks to everyone - speaker, cohosts, and guests - for some truly inspiring hours together at our space at Bredgade 66.

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