We are happy to welcome Maya Tyssøy to our team. Maya will lead ESG initiatives, GDPR compliance & human resources at Teitur Trophics. With a solid educational and practical background in administration, HR Management and organizational deveopment Maya is going to support the focus on sustainability as well as evolvement and optimization of the Teitur operations.
Teitur Trophics
Forskning inden for bioteknologi
Teitur Trophics is a danish biotech company, developing novel treatments for neurodegenerative diseases.
Om os
Teitur develops novel therapeutics for treating or preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Teitur is Old Norse for happiness. Our ambition and commitment is to create new treatments for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases to help them live a longer, better and happier life.
- Websted
Eksternt link til Teitur Trophics
- Branche
- Forskning inden for bioteknologi
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 2-10 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Aarhus
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 2020
Aarhus, 8000, DK
Medarbejdere hos Teitur Trophics
Teitur Trophics will be attending the 43rd Annual #JPMorganHealthcareConference on January 13-16 in San Francisco, CA. Our CEO Simon Mølgaard and Board Chair Charles Large will be attending, and we look forward to the opportunity to meet. Please get in touch if you want to learn more about our novel program TT-P34, for #Huntington’s Disease and #Parkinson’s Disease which will enter clinic this year.
Teitur is attending #HSG2024 in Cincinatti. If you are attending, we hope you will reach out to our CDO Edward Browne or CEO Simon Mølgaard to learn more about our unique program for treating patients suffering from #Huntinton’s Disease.
We are proud to have been nominated for EY Entrepreneur of The Year in the Life Sciences category. As Teitur Trophics is approaching Clinical studies, we are honoured to be recognised for the progress within the last year.
💉 Midtjysk nominering i EY Entrepreneur of The Year – Life Sciences! 💉 Min kollega Steffen Michael Bach og jeg har igen i år haft fornøjelsen af at interviewe Simon Mølgaard fra Teitur Trophics i forbindelse med deres flotte nominering til Entrepreneur of The Year i kategorien Life Sciences. Forskningsgennembruddet, hvor der er opdaget en ny mekanisme for, hvordan man holder hjerneceller i live, førte i 2020 til dette spin-out fra Aarhus Universitet. Forskningen er banebrydende og kan være med til at udvikle et lægemiddel, der potentielt kan forsinke eller helt forhindre sygdomme som Parkinsons, frontotemporal demens og Huntingtons sygdom. Forskningen går efter planen og der er store fremskridt, hvorfor det store fokus nu er på klinik og der forventes test på raske mennesker i løbet af 2025. Dette forskningsgennembrud og den flotte fremgang medfører ligeledes stor interesse blandt investorer og aktører indenfor branchen. Endnu engang stort tillykke med jeres nominering - vi glæder os til at følge jer videre i konkurrencen og ønsker jer held og lykke!
We are happy to welcome Mia Aaboe Jørgensen to our team. Mia will lead Project Management at Teitur Trophics supporting the alignment of the project teams and ensuring good communication between all internal and external parties. With a background in academic and biotech research managing preclinical in vivo studies, alongside management of project timelines for key deliverables, Mia will keep progression of our lead assets on track.
Read the interview with our CEO Simon Mølgaard on Teitur Trophics and our lead program aiming at treating patients suffering from #huntington's Disease, #Parkinson's Disease and #Frontotemporal Dementia.
"At Teitur, our name captures the essence of our mission. Meaning “joyful” or “bright” in Old Norse, Teitur reflects our commitment to bringing light and hope to patients and families affected by Huntington’s and Parkinson’s diseases. " In this Sejelas Founder-CEO Interview series, we hear from Dr. Simon Mølgaard, the Co-Founder and CEO at Teitur Trophics. The Danish biotech team develops novel therapeutics for treating or preventing neurodegenerative diseases. Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/gYxz45ZM #biotech #neuroscience #lifescience #sejelas #founderceo #interviewseries
Teitur Trophics are proud to be among the finalists for the Incuba Award 2024 🎉. We are looking forward to the Aarhus Investor Summit where the winners will be announced.
We are honoured and grateful to share that Teitur Trophics has been nominated for the INCUBA Award 2024 as Startup of the Year 🏆 Thank you to INCUBA A/S for the nomination and to our investors for believing in our vision.
INCUBA-PRISEN 2024: NOMINEREDE TIL ÅRETS STARTUP OG INVESTOR 🏆 Vi er utroligt glade for at løfte sløret for de nominerede startups og investorer, der har gjort en forskel i startup-økosystemet i det forgangne år. De nominerede er udvalgt fra en større pulje af indstillede kandidater baseret på en række nøglekriterier. For startups vægtes bl.a. handlekraft, innovation og globalt potentiale, mens investorerne vurderes ud fra deres nye investeringer, mentorroller og engagement i det midtjyske økosystem. Alle nominerede har allerede markeret sig med bemærkelsesværdige resultater og fungerer som inspirationskilder i deres respektive kategorier. Et stort tillykke til de 16 startups og otte investorer. Nu skal juryen vælge tre finalister og vinderen afsløres til Aarhus Investor Summit den 3. oktober. Vi ser frem til at fejre jer! 👏 #INCUBAPrisen2024 #ÅretsStartup #ÅretsInvestor
We are thrilled and honored to announce that Teitur has received a grant from Innobooster from Innovationsfonden to support our groundbreaking work on identifying novel biomarkers for treating Huntington's Disease (HD). This funding will propel our research forward, bringing us closer to innovative solutions that can significantly improve the lives of those affected by HD. A huge thank you to Innobooster for believing in our vision and supporting our mission. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey towards making a meaningful impact in the field of neurodegenerative diseases! #Teitur #Innobooster #HuntingtonsDisease #Biomarkers #Innovation #Research #Healthcare
We are #hiring a new Project/Clinical Study Manager! More information can be found in the attached job description. Apply today or share this post with your network.