Bliv en del af VOLA! Vi søger en servicemedarbejder til vores CNC-afdeling – en, der sikrer flowet af råvarer og restmaterialer, holder styr på detaljerne og bidrager til en velfungerende produktion. Hos VOLA får du en hverdag med ansvar, stærkt teamwork og gode personalegoder. Har du gaffeltruckcertifikat B og en struktureret tilgang til opgaverne? Så er det måske dig, vi leder efter. Vi indkalder løbende til samtaler – søg allerede i dag! Læs mere om jobbet her: #VOLA #Job #Horsens
Horsens, Central Denmark Region 6.308 følgere
The iconic tapware designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1968. VOLA is the original. Build to last for generations. #VOLAforLife
Om os
VOLA tapware are celebrated classics, unchanged for more than 50 years – a true testament to Arne Jacobsen’s original principles and design: pure forms and geometry combined with innovative function. All VOLA products are #MadeInDenmark and we build products that last for generations. Longevity is a promise we keep across our whole product range. From the outset, our modular design system has ensured that old parts can be replaced with new parts, even in products from 1968. We continue to stay true to our original principles of excellent design and functionality. This has been and always will be integral to how we think, design and manufacture. The minimalistic design does not reveal the complexities of the manufacturing process involved, which could be why it is so widely imitated but never equaled - VOLA has been the architects’ choice since 1968. #VOLAtheOriginal #VOLAforLife
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Eksternt link til VOLA A/S
- Branche
- Produktion
- Virksomhedsstørrelse
- 201-500 medarbejdere
- Hovedkvarter
- Horsens, Central Denmark Region
- Type
- Privat
- Grundlagt
- 1968
Lunavej 2
Horsens, Central Denmark Region 8700, DK
Medarbejdere hos VOLA A/S
Project Highlight: Where Architecture Meets Nature Overlooking Aarhus Bay, Villa G13 is a seamless fusion of architecture and landscape. The Kolumba tiles’ refined patterns create a timeless dialogue with nature, while expansive terraces and panoramic views embrace the coastal surroundings. Inside, a sliding oak door with brushed brass handles elegantly separates the master suite from the bathroom, highlighting the home’s rich materiality and understated luxury. Featured in this project are: 121 and 2411C-071 in Natural Brass. Architecture & Design: ARDESS #VOLA #Architecture #Design #TimelessDesign #VillaG13
Danish design: A legacy of simplicity and craftsmanship What makes Danish design endure? Thomas Lykke from OEO Studio reflects on this in our latest catalogue, exploring how Denmark’s design heritage is rooted in craftsmanship, quality, and a timeless aesthetic. Danish creators have always looked beyond borders for inspiration while staying true to the principles of functionality and longevity. At VOLA, we carry this legacy forward—refining and preserving iconic designs that remain as relevant today as when they were first introduced. Timelessness isn’t about trends; it’s about creating for generations. Discover more about the enduring appeal of Danish design: #VOLA #DanishDesign #TimelessDesign #DesignLegacy
Where architecture shapes experience Great design is more than aesthetics—it’s about how spaces make us feel. At Naturhotel Forsthofgut in Salzburger Land, architecture and nature are seamlessly intertwined, creating an environment that invites pause, presence, and perspective. At VOLA, we believe in the power of design to support and enhance architectural vision. The balance of materials, proportions, and spatial flow defines not just the visual identity of a space but also the way it is experienced. Whether in a private residence or a hotel retreat, the right details contribute to a sense of harmony and well-being. Credits: Walter Oberbramberger #VOLA #Architecture #NaturhotelForsthofgut
VOLA anbefaler: Tre kulturperler at opleve i din vinterferie Vi har så mange skønne kulturinstitutioner i Danmark, og hvilken bedre anledning til at besøge dem end vinterferien, der lægger op til indendørs aktiviteter? Den danske kultur- og designarv er en vigtig del af vores og danskernes DNA, og derfor bliver vi altid ekstra stolte, når vores armaturer bliver valgt til institutioner, der formidler netop dette og holder vores fælles historie i live. H.C. Andersens Hus Vores første anbefaling er H.C. Andersens Hus i Odense. Det fortryllende museum er dedikeret til den berømte danske digter og forfatter Hans Christian Andersen. Museet er designet af den verdensberømte japanske arkitekt Kengo Kuma, som har givet liv til Andersens kreative tankegang gennem en medrivende arkitektur. Det er skabt til ikke bare at fortælle historien om Andersens liv og værker, men også til at indfange hans følelse af forundring, fantasi og magiske eventyr. Spot vores berøringsfrie armaturer på toiletterne og vores elegante køkkenarmatur i museets café. Designmuseum Danmark Vores næste anbefaling er Designmuseum Danmark i København. Museet er et af Nordens centrale udstillingssteder for dansk og international industriel design, møbelkunst og kunsthåndværk. Udover de mange spændende udstillinger er den smukke, gamle museumsbygning også et besøg værd. Da bygningen blev renoveret i 2022, blev vores spritdispensere RS11 valgt og står nu og byder museumsgæsterne velkommen hver dag. Derudover er vores gule KV1 køkkenarmatur, designet af Arne Jacobsen, udstillet i museets permanente udstilling "Danish Modern". Utzon Center Vores tredje anbefaling er Utzon Center i Aalborg. Museet ligger på havnefronten og er et udstillingssted for arkitektur og design. Centeret er opkaldt efter den danske arkitekt Jørn Utzon, der bl.a. er verdenskendt for Operahuset i Sydney. Hans sidste værk blev museumsbygningen, som huser Utzon Center, og som også rummer det indholdsrige Utzon Arkiv med alle hans forunderlige tegninger og modeller. Udover at være et spændende møde med arkitektur, står museet os også særligt nær, fordi VOLA er partner og støtter museet hvert år. God fornøjelse og rigtig god vinterferie!
Endless possibilities with VOLA colours. Every VOLA tap is made to order, ensuring exceptional quality and precision. In this video, three HV1 taps are carefully painted by hand in 04 Light Blue, 05 Orange, and 08 Yellow. You’ll also see the HV1/150 being painted in 06 Light Green. Each colour is meticulously applied to achieve a flawless finish. With 15 unique colours to choose from, VOLA offers limitless possibilities to personalise your space—whether you want your taps to blend in or stand out. #VOLA #MadeInDenmark #Colour #InteriorDesign #Tapware
Vi støtter Danmarks Indsamling 2025 Uskyldige liv går tabt i bombeangreb. Tørke og oversvømmelser sender tusinder på flugt. Hver dag fyldes nyhederne med historier om krig, konflikter og katastrofer. Men der findes også en anden form for nød – stille, langtrukken og mindst lige så alvorlig. En nød, der hvert år koster millioner af liv, mange af dem uskyldige børn. Følg med, når vi sammen støtter op om den gode sag lørdag den 1. februar på DR1. Ønsker du at støtte allerede nu, kan du gøre det på Danmarks Indsamling’s hjemmeside: #VOLA #lillelandstorthjerte #dkindsamling
Can design shape the way we live? In our new VOLA catalogue, interior designer Ilse Crawford shares her perspective on creating spaces that connect with us on a deeper level. Her design philosophy reminds us of the profound impact thoughtful design has on our senses, our wellbeing, and our connection to the spaces we live in. Crawford’s work goes beyond aesthetics. It’s about creating environments that feel alive and spaces where functionality, emotion, and thoughtfulness come together. This aligns with our belief that great design is not about following trends but about making objects and interiors that endure, enhance, and inspire. Credits: Silje Chantel Johnsen, Magnus Mårding, Ett Hem | Ilse Crawford Read the full article: #VOLA #IlseCrawford #DesignForWellbeing #TimelessDesign
Merry Christmas from VOLA As the year comes to a close, we take a moment to appreciate the lasting value of considered design and craftsmanship. At VOLA, we celebrate the elegance of simplicity and the timeless beauty found in details, materials, and dedication to quality. This holiday season, may your home be filled with warmth, joy, and inspiration. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
Timeless design: Where cylindrical shapes and organic forms meet Sometimes VOLA is involved in projects that are truly special. At Hans Christian Andersen’s House in Odense, Denmark, circles are thoughtfully woven into the architecture, creating flow and simplicity while symbolising unity and infinity. This vision is realised by Yuki Ikeguchi, Partner at Kengo Kuma & Associates, known for her sustainable, human-centered approach. Ikeguchi integrates natural materials and organic forms to craft spaces that seamlessly connect nature, history, and modernity. The architecture has received significant recognition for its architectural and experiential innovation: • 2023 Architizer A+ Award in the "Architecture + Art" category, celebrating its seamless fusion of architecture, art, and storytelling • 2023 Danish Landscape Award “The circularity is a bigger part of the concept. It creates harmony, it creates calmness, it could be small to express the universe or it could be immersive or enormous where you don’t recognise the border. It has this infinity.” - Yuki Ikeguchi. Watch full film about the project here: #VOLA #hcandersenshouse #kengokuma
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