Our collaborators at Herlev Hospital are opening a new translational lab and would like to invite you all to a symposium on "Bone and mineral homeostasis: from basic findings to clinical implications".
Date: Friday 23rd February 2024
Time: from 14:00-17:00
Where: University Hospital of Copenhagen, Herlev auditorium and afterwards 54K1 official opening of Division of Translational endocrinology
Address: Borgmester Ib Juuls vej 1, 2730 Herlev
14:00 Welcome and presentation of Div.Translational Endocrin.
Martin Blomberg Jensen, Head of research Endocrinology,
14:10 WNT signalling in the skeleton
Prof. Roland Baron, Harvard University, US
14:40 Metabolic regulation of skeletal cell fate and function in physiology and disease
Prof. Geert Carmeliet, Katholieke University Belgium
15:10 Targeting skeletal stem cells for treatment of age-related osteoporosis
Prof. Moustapha Kassem, SDU, DK
15:40 Phosphate and bone signalling in the testis
Post doc Ida Boisen Jacobsen, HGH
15:55 RANKL and male infertility – preclinical
Post doc Christine Hjorth Andreassen HGH
16:10 RANKL and male infertility – clinical
PhD student Rune Holt HGH
16:25 Closure of symposium
16:30-17:30 Reception and official opening of the new Laboratory in Division of Translational Endocrinology 54K1 and 54O4
If you are interested, please send an email to elin.dahms.koenig@regionh.dk, to let them know that you will participate.