XY Therapeutics

XY Therapeutics

Forskning inden for bioteknologi

Developing a novel first-in-class treatment for male infertility.

Om os

XY Therapeutics is based on more than 10 years of research from Kingdom Hospital in Copenhagen Denmark, with the focus on developing new treatment solutions for infertile couples. XY Therapeutics is developing a novel medical treatment for male infertility based on unique science demonstrating an important role of the RANKL/RANK/OPG pathway in the reproductive organs. The proprietary treatment has been shown to increase sperm production and function in preclinical and two clinical studies including a randomized clinical trial of infertile men. The treatment is safe and only a single injection is required to observe the expected effect. There exist many causes for male infertility and although not all infertile men can be helped with this treatment, XY Therapeutics has identified and patented a biomarker that can select the men who will benefit from this treatment. This biomarker is currently being developed into a companion diagnostic that within minutes can allow clinicians and fertility experts to select the infertile men that will receive the treatment. Currently, XY Therapeutics treatment is being tested in a Phase 2A trial, and expected positive result will provide a significant breakthrough in a field where there currently exists only very few available treatments for select subgroups of male infertility. It is undoubtful that the innovation, will have a very broad impact on several aspects of citizens suffering from infertility from personal, societal and economic impact. Visit us at: xytherapeutics.dk

Forskning inden for bioteknologi
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