Frederiksberg Kommune, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
9 t følgere 500+ forbindelser

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Enabling digital and social technologies to empower patients and improve the healthcare…

Artikler af Andreas

  • 4 digital trends in healthcare to keep an eye on

    4 digital trends in healthcare to keep an eye on

    With the acceleration of digital transformation in the healthcare industry, it is important to encourage a change in…

  • Dear talent, we are hiring!

    Dear talent, we are hiring!

    We are now looking to strengthen our team even further and we need people who want to work hard to bring innovative…

    1 Kommentar
  • Season's greetings,

    Season's greetings,

    As the festive season is upon us, the Daman team would like to send you our best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and…

    4 Kommentarer
  • We need help with creating the future digital health services

    We need help with creating the future digital health services

    At Daman, we are on a mission to improve healthcare by digital technologies. We have already made some important steps…

    1 Kommentar
  • PROM in healthcare - who is invited for the party?

    PROM in healthcare - who is invited for the party?

    At Daman, an innovative digital healthcare provider, we are committed to improving healthcare by the use of digital…

    1 Kommentar
  • Ses vi til Velfærdens Innovationsdag?

    Ses vi til Velfærdens Innovationsdag?

    I Danmark lever flere end 1,5 mio. mennesker med en kronisk sygdom.

    2 Kommentarer
  • Igang med apps som medicinsk udstyr? Der er hjælp at hente!

    Igang med apps som medicinsk udstyr? Der er hjælp at hente!

    Det kan virke omstændigt at udvikle apps, som virkelig skaber værdi inden for sundhedsfeltet fordi man som udbyder skal…



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Erfaring og uddannelse

  • HealthBuddy

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Licenser og certificeringer

  • The Enneagram, The Hornevian, The Harmonics and Levels of Development Grafik

    The Enneagram, The Hornevian, The Harmonics and Levels of Development

    Mannaz A/S

  • Higher Management: Marketing and Sales


    Udstedt Udløber
  • Leading people

    Mannaz A/S

    Udstedt Udløber


  • Rheumabuddy, A Smartphone APP, Used to Empower Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases

    The impact of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on quality of life is impressive due to functional impairment, negative mental impact and feel of social isolation. To improve the quality of life of the patient, three critical areas have been identified: improved self-insight, enabled sharing with the rheumatologist and socializing with peers.

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  • PsoMentor - gamifying your psoriasis tracking

    – nu

    Development in co-creation with patients, dermatologists, nurses and pharma to create a strong tool for the psoriasis patients while bridging also with the healthcare professionals. The service has been launched as part of World Psoriasis Day 2016, and is continuously being further improved. This includes the work to create standards for Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROM) and incorporate the instruments in PsoMentor.

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  • RheumaBuddy - empowering patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

    – nu

    RheumaBuddy is the leading patient empowerment tool for people with RA and has received several awards. The service lets you create an overview of your rheumatoid arthritis. Day by day. Discover patterns and gain a greater control of your arthritis. Share your data with your rheumatologist and join an online community of other people with RA.

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  • Digital strategy for Afinitor


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    Komplet professionel færdighed

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    Begrænset praktisk færdighed

  • Swedish

    Begrænset praktisk færdighed

  • Norwegian

    Begrænset praktisk færdighed

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