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Tilbage i marts filmede jeg materialet til en client case mellem KPMG og Nexi! Det er altid spændende at være en del af sådan et projekt og produktion – og endnu mere tilfredsstillende, når projektet rammer de digitale platforme! 😁📱 Tak til Cecilia Cosnard des Closets, Rikke Falk & Sean Neary for et godt samarbejde!

Se organisationssiden for Nexi Group

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At Nexi, we have an innovative AI powered payment fraud prevention solution deployed. Leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms and data analytics, the solution analyses vast amounts of transaction data in real-time to identify fraudulent patterns and anomalies. Instead of being a rule-based algorithm, the new solution now identifies transactions based on how much they deviate from the norm. The implementation involved integrating AI algorithms into Nexi’s existing payment infrastructure, enabling proactive fraud detection and prevention at every stage of the transaction lifecycle. In the beginning of the journey, KPMG Denmark provided expertise in AI technology and tailored the solution to meet our specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.   Listen to Sean Neary, Head of Fraud Risk Management at Nexi Group talking about how we changed our culture and made a shift to an in-house data science, where we are well established and self-sufficient today. #WeAreNexi #Fraudprevention #Machinelearning #AI

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