AT TIME ZONE function - Amazon Redshift

AT TIME ZONE function

AT TIME ZONE specifies which time zone to use with a TIMESTAMP or TIMESTAMPTZ expression.


AT TIME ZONE 'timezone'



The TIMEZONE for the return value. The time zone can be specified as a time zone name (such as 'Africa/Kampala' or 'Singapore') or as a time zone abbreviation (such as 'UTC' or 'PDT').

To view a list of supported time zone names, run the following command.

select pg_timezone_names();

To view a list of supported time zone abbreviations, run the following command.

select pg_timezone_abbrevs();

For more information and examples, see Time zone usage notes.

Return type

TIMESTAMPTZ when used with a TIMESTAMP expression. TIMESTAMP when used with a TIMESTAMPTZ expression.


The following example converts a timestamp value without time zone and interprets it as MST time (UTC+7 in POSIX). The example returns a value of data type TIMESTAMPTZ for the UTC timezone. If you configure your default timezone to a timezone other than UTC, you might see a different result.

SELECT TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 20:38:40' AT TIME ZONE 'MST'; timezone ------------------------ 2001-02-17 03:38:40+00

The following example takes an input timestamp with a time zone value where the specified time zone is EST (UTC+5 in POSIX) and converts it to MST (UTC+7 in POSIX). The example returns a value of data type TIMESTAMP.

SELECT TIMESTAMPTZ '2001-02-16 20:38:40-05' AT TIME ZONE 'MST'; timezone ------------------------ 2001-02-16 18:38:40