INITCAP function - Amazon Redshift

INITCAP function

Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a specified string. INITCAP supports UTF-8 multibyte characters, up to a maximum of four bytes per character.





A CHAR string, a VARCHAR string, or an expression that implicitly evaluates to a CHAR or VARCHAR type.

Return type


Usage notes

The INITCAP function makes the first letter of each word in a string uppercase, and any subsequent letters are made (or left) lowercase. Therefore, it is important to understand which characters (other than space characters) function as word separators. A word separator character is any non-alphanumeric character, including punctuation marks, symbols, and control characters. All of the following characters are word separators:

! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Tabs, newline characters, form feeds, line feeds, and carriage returns are also word separators.


The following examples use data from the CATEGORY and USERS tables in the TICKIT sample database. For more information, see Sample database.

To capitalize the initials of each word in the CATDESC column, use the following example.

SELECT catid, catdesc, INITCAP(catdesc) FROM category ORDER BY 1, 2, 3; +-------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | catid | catdesc | initcap | +-------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | 1 | Major League Baseball | Major League Baseball | | 2 | National Hockey League | National Hockey League | | 3 | National Football League | National Football League | | 4 | National Basketball Association | National Basketball Association | | 5 | Major League Soccer | Major League Soccer | | 6 | Musical theatre | Musical Theatre | | 7 | All non-musical theatre | All Non-Musical Theatre | | 8 | All opera and light opera | All Opera And Light Opera | | 9 | All rock and pop music concerts | All Rock And Pop Music Concerts | | 10 | All jazz singers and bands | All Jazz Singers And Bands | | 11 | All symphony, concerto, and choir concerts | All Symphony, Concerto, And Choir Concerts | +-------+--------------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------+

To show that the INITCAP function does not preserve uppercase characters when they do not begin words, use the following example. For example, the string MLB becomes Mlb.

SELECT INITCAP(catname) FROM category ORDER BY catname; +-----------+ | initcap | +-----------+ | Classical | | Jazz | | Mlb | | Mls | | Musicals | | Nba | | Nfl | | Nhl | | Opera | | Plays | | Pop | +-----------+

To show that non-alphanumeric characters other than spaces function as word separators, use the following example. Several letters in each string will be capitalized.

SELECT email, INITCAP(email) FROM users ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT 5; +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | email | initcap | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+ | | Urna.Ut@Egetdictumplacerat.Edu | | | Nibh.Enim@Egestas.Ca | | | In@Donecat.Ca | | | Sodales@Blanditviverradonec.Ca | | | Sociis.Natoque.Penatibus@Vitae.Org | +------------------------------------+------------------------------------+