SUPER sample dataset - Amazon Redshift

SUPER sample dataset

You can explore and analyze the SUPER sample dataset, which contains data related to fictional product sales across various categories, regions, and time periods. The following sections provide details on accessing, querying, and manipulating the SUPER sample dataset within your Amazon Redshift cluster.

The table schema and data model used for ingestion and query examples are defined as follows.

/*customer-orders-lineitem*/ CREATE TABLE customer_orders_lineitem (c_custkey bigint ,c_name varchar ,c_address varchar ,c_nationkey smallint ,c_phone varchar ,c_acctbal decimal(12,2) ,c_mktsegment varchar ,c_comment varchar ,c_orders super ); /* Datamodel of documents to be stored in c_orders Super column would be as follows*/ ARRAY < STRUCT < o_orderkey:bigint ,o_orderstatus:string ,o_totalprice:double ,o_orderdate:string ,o_orderpriority:string ,o_clerk:string ,o_shippriority:int ,o_comment:string ,o_lineitems:ARRAY < STRUCT < l_partkey:bigint ,l_suppkey:bigint ,l_linenumber:int ,l_quantity:double ,l_extendedprice:double ,l_discount:double ,l_tax:double ,l_returnflag:string ,l_linestatus:string ,l_shipdate:string ,l_commitdate:string ,l_receiptdate:string ,l_shipinstruct:string ,l_shipmode:string ,l_comment:string > > > > /*part*/ CREATE TABLE part ( p_partkey bigint ,p_name varchar ,p_mfgr varchar ,p_brand varchar ,p_type varchar ,p_size int ,p_container varchar ,p_retailprice decimal(12,2) ,p_comment varchar ); /*region-nations*/ CREATE TABLE region_nations ( r_regionkey smallint ,r_name varchar ,r_comment varchar ,r_nations super ); /* Datamodel of documents to be stored in r_nations Super column would be as follows*/ ARRAY < STRUCT < n_nationkey:int,n_name:string,n_comment:string > > /*supplier-partsupp*/ CREATE TABLE supplier_partsupp ( s_suppkey bigint ,s_name varchar ,s_address varchar ,s_nationkey smallint ,s_phone varchar ,s_acctbal double precision ,s_comment varchar ,s_partsupps super ); /* Datamodel of documents to be stored in s_partsupps Super column would be as follows*/ ARRAY < STRUCT < ps_partkey:bigint,ps_availqty:int,ps_supplycost:double,ps_comment:string > >