Installing, configuring, and running the Rendezvous server

Install the fdo-rendezvous-server RPM package to enable the systems to receive the voucher generated by the Manufacturing server during the first device boot. The Rendezvous server then matches the device UUID with the target platform or cloud and informs the device about which Owner server endpoint the device must use.

  • You created a manufacturer_cert.pem certificate. See Generating key and certificates.

  • You copied the manufacturer_cert.pem certificate to the /etc/fdo/keys directory in the Rendezvous server.

  1. Install the fdo-rendezvous-server RPM packages:

    # dnf install -y fdo-rendezvous-server
  2. Create the rendezvous-server.yml configuration file, including the path to the manufacturer certificate. You can find an example in /usr/share/doc/fdo/rendezvous-server.yml. The following example shows a configuration file that is saved in /etc/fdo/rendezvous-server.yml.

        path: /etc/fdo/stores/rendezvous_registered
        path: /etc/fdo/stores/rendezvous_sessions
    trusted_manufacturer_keys_path: /etc/fdo/keys/manufacturer_cert.pem
    max_wait_seconds: ~
    bind: ""
  3. Check the Rendezvous server service status:

    # systemctl list-unit-files | grep fdo | grep rende
    fdo-rendezvous-server.service disabled disabled
    1. If the service is stopped and disabled, enable and start it:

      # systemctl enable --now fdo-rendezvous-server.service
  4. Check that the server is listening on the default configured port 8082:

    # ss -ltn
  5. Open the port if you have a firewall configured on this server:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port=8082/tcp --permanent
    # systemctl restart firewalld