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Web Development

Ruby on Rails updated to 6.0

The Ruby on Rails is now updated to latest version 6.0 in Fedora 33. Previously, Fedora 32 supported Ruby on Rails version 5.2 which is now updated. With this update, all the Ruby developers using Fedora can use the latest Ruby on Rails RPM packages.

This latest update of Ruby on Rails 6.0 provides many improvements. Some of the major features are:

  • Action Mailbox - It helps you to route incoming emails to controller-like mailboxes.

  • Action Text - It brings rich text content and editing to Rails.

  • Parallel Testing - It help parallelize your test suites and reduce the time required for testing

  • Action Cable testing - This tools allow you to test your Action Cable functionality at connections, channels, broadcasts level.

This update includes many bug fixes and improvements across all the frameworks.

Node.js 14.x by Default

Fedora 33 will carry the latest LTS version 14.x as the default Node.js interpreter for the system.

Benefit to Fedora

As Node.js is a popular JavaScript server-side engine, keeping Fedora updated with the latest Node.js releases will allow it to track the state-of-the-art in that space.

Fedora 33 will also have the 12.x release available as a selectable module stream for users who are running software that does not support 14.x.

User Experience

Users will have the 14.x release of Node.js by default available in Fedora 33. However, if your applications are not compatible with the newer version, you can revert to the 12.x. release by running the following commands:

dnf remove node.js
dnf module reset nodejs
dnf module install nodejs:12