Stable oxygen isotope composition of plant tissue: a review
Margaret M. BarbourA Landcare Research, PO Box 40, Gerald St, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand.
B This review originates from the Outstanding Physiologist Award 2006 of the New Zealand Society of Plant Biologists received by the author
Functional Plant Biology 34(2) 83-94
Submitted: 13 September 2006 Accepted: 20 November 2006 Published: 12 February 2007
With the development of rapid measurement techniques, stable oxygen isotope analysis of plant tissue is poised to become an important tool in plant physiological, ecological, paleoclimatic and forensic studies. Recent advances in mechanistic understanding have led to the improvement of process-based models that accurately predict variability in the oxygen isotope composition of plant organic material (δ18Op). δ18Op has been shown to reflect the isotope composition of soil water, evaporative enrichment in transpiring leaves, and isotopic exchange between oxygen atoms in organic molecules and local water in the cells in which organic molecules are formed. This review presents current theoretical models describing the influences on δ18Op, using recently published experimental work to outline strengths and weaknesses in the models. The potential and realised applications of the technique are described.
Additional keywords: crop yield, leaf water enrichment, palaeoclimate, Péclet effect, stomatal conductance.
LA Cernusak, C Keitel and BR Helliker are thanked for valuable comments on an early draft of the manuscript, and MA Adams and an anonymous reviewer for their suggestions. Preparation of this review was funded by the Foundation for Science, Research and Technology, New Zealand.
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