The role of released moisture in the atmospheric dynamics associated with wildland fires
Brian E. Potter
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- Author Affiliations
North Central Research Station, USDA Forest Service, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA. Telephone: +1 517 355 7740 ext. 115; fax: +1 517 355 5121; email:
International Journal of Wildland Fire 14(1) 77-84
Submitted: 24 August 2004 Accepted: 5 November 2004 Published: 7 March 2005
Combustion of woody material produces and releases water, but the effects of this water on the atmospheric circulation created by a wildfire are rarely recognized, let alone understood. This paper presents observational data and basic physical arguments to support the hypothesis that this moisture can constitute a large portion of the total water content in a fire plume. Calculations demonstrate the effects this moisture could have on fire-driven atmospheric circulations, specifically updrafts and downdrafts, on time and space scales important for fire behavior and fire-fighter safety. This study should be considered exploratory; it does not prove the presence or importance of this moisture, but seeks to show that further study is needed to determine how much moisture a fire adds to the air, and whether that amount is or is not important.
Additional keywords: combustion; convection; downdraft; plume.
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