Banyumas is regency in Central Java Province and Purwokerto Capital City. Banyumas has a lot of tourism areas, but not all of the areas are known by tourists because the lack of information. The information on Banyumas government's website is not updated and uncomplete, so that it needs other information services for the tourism information in Banyumas. An android-based application Banyumas Travel Guide (BMSGuide) is a location-based application to help the people can access the information whenever and wherever they are. The service in this application is using Android which is platform that is now developing rapidly with interface User Friendly and the price is affordable. The application will access Google Maps and show the user location, destination location along with the information, and the navigation to the location. The information is gotten by accessing the satellite with GPS (Global Positioning System) tool of the user's headset. By using BMSGuide application, the information service of tourism location and the supporting place around is served.

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