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The Economic Benefit of Improving the Proximity of Tillage and Planting Operations in Cotton Production with Automatic Steering

Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan

Citation:  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(2): 133-143. (doi: 10.13031/2013.26322) @2009
Authors:   J. S. Bergtold, R. L. Raper, E. B. Schwab
Keywords:   Cotton yield, Soil compaction, Subsoiling, Auto-guidance, Economics, GPS

Producers in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States manage soil compaction in conservation tillage systems by in-row subsoiling prior to planting. However, planting directly over the loosened zone of soil can be difficult in high-residue conservation tillage systems where cover crop production is maximized. Tractors with automatic steering capability could assist with placement of deep tillage in close proximity to planting operations, but little is known about the accuracy necessary to maximize rooting development, reduce succeeding soil compaction, and optimize crop production. An experiment was conducted in south-central Alabama to evaluate the distance the cotton row can be from deep tillage and still affect cotton yield and economic performance. Results showed as distance between the planted row and tillage pass increased, seed cotton yields were reduced by as much as 24% to 52% and net revenues from cotton production by as much as 38% to 83%. An economic analysis of on-farm adoption showed that auto-guidance systems with accuracy of less than 2.5 cm may be the most profitable for larger farms, while systems with less than 10 cm accuracy may provide a better economic alternative for smaller farms.

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