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Non-touch-based keyboard became an urgent need in many situations where humans cannot directly touch the keyboard due to hygienic or security issues in human computer interaction. In this paper, a non-touch keyboard has been created using Leap Motion and Unity. The key layout is based on the qwerty type. There are five types of keyboards that we have created to provide support for both Japanese and English characters. The five types are default type, orthogonal type, round default type, round orthogonal type, and flick keyboard. In addition, a word prediction function has been implemented to assist user input. A word prediction function was added to the keyboard of the round orthogonal type, which has the highest input accuracy. It’s input accuracy was 96.84% and the character per minute (cpm) was 77.67. The flick keyboard recorded an input accuracy of 97.6% and a cpm of 56.485. This is comparable to other studies in terms of input accuracy and much higher in terms of cpm.
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