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All the information stored in the different information systems is issued in a format that allows the holder (the information owner) to disclose only certain information to a third party, which will act as a requester, receiver and verifier of the information disclosed by the holder. We define the Interoperable Universal Resource Identifier (iURI) as a harmonized method of representing a claim (minimum piece of verifiable information) using disparate encoding systems, agnostic to the original encoding system and data format. Encoding systems are represented in Reverse Domain Name Resolution (Reverse-DNS) format for HL7 FHIR, OpenEHR, and other data formats. The iURI can then be used in JSON Web Token for Selective Disclosure (SD-JWT) and Verifiable Credential (VC), among others. The method enables a person to demonstrate data that already exists in different information systems in disparate data formats, and even an information system, to verify certain claims, in a harmonized way.
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