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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer system that simulates intelligent human behavior. The use of AI is rapidly shifting Healthcare. Speech recognition (SR) is a type of AI physicians use to operate Electronic Health records (EHR). This paper aims to demonstrate the technological advancements made thus far concerning speech recognition in health care and explore multiple scholarly studies to generate a wide-ranging and detailed assessment of its current progress. The effectiveness of speech recognition is the heart of this analysis. This review investigates published papers on the progress and effectiveness of speech recognition in Healthcare. Eight research papers exploring the progress and effectiveness of speech recognition in Healthcare were thoroughly reviewed. Articles were identified from Google Scholar, PubMed, and the World Wide Web. The five relevant papers generally discussed the progress and current effectiveness of SR in Healthcare, implementing SR in the EHR, adapting healthcare workers to SR and the problems they face, developing an intelligent healthcare system based on SR and using SR systems in other languages. Conclusion: This report demonstrates the technological improvements realized concerning SR in Healthcare. It proved that SR could be a tremendous help to providers if every medical and health institution continued to progress in using this technology.
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