Sayre, R., 2022, World Terrestrial Ecosystems (WTE) 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems datalayer is a global raster dataset at a 250 m spatial resolution where 431 ecosystem types are identified and mapped. Each ecosystem type is a unique combination of vegetation/land cover, climate region, and landform. The data is available as attached file "USGSEsriTNCWorldTerrestrialEcosystems2020.mpkx" at The data are distributed in Esri map package format (USGSEsriTNCWorldTerrestrialEcosystems2020.mpkx) and can be used by any software that can process this format, sometimes requiring minor format adjustments. NOTE: This global dataset replaces the Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States, NGDAID4,
The World Terrestrial Ecosystems datalayer is a global raster dataset at a 250 m spatial resolution where 431 ecosystem types are identified and mapped. Each ecosystem type is a unique combination of vegetation/land cover, climate region, and landform. The data is available as attached file "USGSEsriTNCWorldTerrestrialEcosystems2020.mpkx" at The data are distributed in Esri map package format (USGSEsriTNCWorldTerrestrialEcosystems2020.mpkx) and can be used by any software that can process this format, sometimes requiring minor format adjustments.
This global dataset replaces the Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States, NGDAID4,
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Roger Sayre, Deniz Karagulle, Charlie Frye, Timothy Boucher, Nicholas H. Wolff, Sean Breyer, Dawn Wright, Madeline Martin, Kevin Butler, Keith Van Graafeiland, Jerry Touval, Leonardo Sotomayor, Jennifer McGowan, Edward T. Game, Hugh Possingham, An assessment of the representation of ecosystems in global protected areas using new maps of World Climate Regions and World Ecosystems, Global Ecology and Conservation, Volume 21, 2020, e00860, ISSN 2351-9894,
Data were obtained to understand the global distribution of terrestrial ecosystems that were identified and mapped using a standardized, data-derived process, and to assess their representation in global protected areas.