MOD16A2 v006

MODIS/Terra Net Evapotranspiration 8-Day L4 Global 500 m SIN Grid

PI: Steve Running

The MOD16A2 Version 6 data product was decommissioned on July 31, 2023. Users are encouraged to use the MOD16A2 Version 6.1 data product.


The MOD16A2 Version 6 Evapotranspiration/Latent Heat Flux product is an 8-day composite dataset produced at 500 meter (m) pixel resolution. The algorithm used for the MOD16 data product collection is based on the logic of the Penman-Monteith equation, which includes inputs of daily meteorological reanalysis data along with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remotely sensed data products such as vegetation property dynamics, albedo, and land cover.

Provided in the MOD16A2 product are layers for composited Evapotranspiration (ET), Latent Heat Flux (LE), Potential ET (PET) and Potential LE (PLE) along with a quality control layer. Two low resolution browse images, ET and LE, are also available for each MOD16A2 granule.

The pixel values for the two Evapotranspiration layers (ET and PET) are the sum of all eight days within the composite period and the pixel values for the two Latent Heat layers (LE and PLE) are the average of all eight days within the composite period. Note that the last acquisition period of each year is a 5 or 6-day composite period, depending on the year.

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Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions

  • Spatial resolution of Version 6 products increased to nominal 500 m from nominal 1,000 m in Version 5.
  • Version 5 data products were previously distributed by the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group at the University of Montana. The Version 6 products are a continuation of this project.

Product Maturity

Validation at stage 3 has been achieved for the MODIS Evapotranspiration data products. Further details regarding MODIS land product validation for the MOD16 data products are available from the MODIS Land Team Validation site.

Collection and Granule


Characteristic Description
CollectionTerra MODIS
File Size~1.668 MB
Temporal ResolutionMulti-Day
Temporal Extent2001-01-01 to 2023-02-09
Spatial ExtentGlobal
Coordinate SystemSinusoidal
File FormatHDF-EOS
Geographic Dimensions1200 km x 1200 km


Characteristic Description
Number of Science Dataset (SDS) Layers5
Columns/Rows2400 x 2400
Pixel Size500 m

Layers / Variables

SDS Name Description Units Data Type Fill Value No Data Value Valid Range Scale Factor
ET_500m Total Evapotranspiration kg/m²/8day 16-bit signed integer 32761 to 32767 N/A -32767 to 32700 0.1
LE_500m Average Latent Heat Flux J/m²/day 16-bit signed integer 32761 to 32767 N/A -32767 to 32700 10000
PET_500m Total Potential Evapotranspiration kg/m²/8day 16-bit signed integer 32761 to 32767 N/A -32767 to 32700 0.1
PLE_500m Average Potential Latent Heat Flux J/m²/day 16-bit signed integer 32761 to 32767 N/A -32767 to 32700 10000
ET_QC_500m Evapotranspiration Quality Control flags Bit Field 8-bit unsigned integer 255 N/A 0 to 254 N/A

Users are asked to disregard the class assignments for Fill Values 32761 through 32767 irrespective of the assigned quality for these pixels. Class assignments may be incorrect and users are advised to exercise caution while using the product in their application. See known issue PM_MOD16_18074 for further information.

Product Quality

The pixel level quality control layer (ET_QC_500m) is a copy of the quality control data layer of the corresponding input LAI/FPAR (MOD15A2H) granule of the same 8-day composite period and does not reflect the quality of the retrieved evapotranspiration. The current operational process does not generate pixel level science quality information. Users are advised to exercise caution while using the product in their application.

Additional information related to the cloud/aerosol screening and quality for input products are provided in the User Guide. Mappings for the ET QC layer and an explanation on how to interpret this information are provided under Section 6.2.1 in the User Guide.

Known Issues

Operational and uncertainty issues are provided under Section 3 in the User Guide.

Please refer to the MODIS Land Quality Assessment website for complete information about MOD16A2 known issues.

About the image

Terra MODIS evapotranspiration (ET) data from the MOD16A2 product over east Africa from August 13 - 20, 2018.

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User Guide
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
File Specification

Using the Data

Access Data


DOI: 10.5067/MODIS/MOD16A2.006
