MYD15A2H v006

MODIS/Aqua Leaf Area Index/FPAR 8-Day L4 Global 500 m SIN Grid

PI: Ranga Myneni

The MYD15A2H Version 6 data product was decommissioned on July 31, 2023. Users are encouraged to use the MYD15A2H Version 6.1 data product.


The MYD15A2H Version 6 Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) combined Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FPAR) product is an 8-day composite dataset with 500 meter (m) pixel size. The algorithm chooses the “best” pixel available from all the acquisitions of the Aqua sensor from within the 8-day period.

LAI is defined as the one-sided green leaf area per unit ground area in broadleaf canopies and as one-half the total needle surface area per unit ground area in coniferous canopies. FPAR is defined as the fraction of incident photosynthetically active radiation (400-700 nanometers (nm)) absorbed by the green elements of a vegetation canopy.

Science Datasets (SDS) in the Level 4 (L4) MYD15A2H product include LAI, FPAR, two quality layers, and standard deviation for LAI and FPAR. Two low resolution browse images, LAI and FPAR, are also available for each MYD15A2H granule.

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Improvements/Changes from Previous Versions

  • The Version 6 product uses the daily L2G-lite surface reflectance as input as opposed to MODAGAGG used in Version 5.
  • Products are generated at native resolution of 500 m rather than the 1000 m of the Version 5.
  • Version 6 uses an improved multi-year land cover product.

Product Maturity

The LAI product has attained stage 2 validation and the FPAR product has attained stage 1 validation. Further details regarding MODIS land product validation for the LAI/FPAR data products are available from the MODIS land team validation site.

Collection and Granule


Characteristic Description
CollectionAqua MODIS
File Size~4.39 MB
Temporal ResolutionMulti-Day
Temporal Extent2002-07-04 to 2023-02-25
Spatial ExtentGlobal
Coordinate SystemSinusoidal
File FormatHDF-EOS
Geographic Dimensions1200 km x 1200 km


Characteristic Description
Number of Science Dataset (SDS) Layers6
Columns/Rows2400 x 2400
Pixel Size500 m

Layers / Variables

SDS Name Description Units Data Type Fill Value No Data Value Valid Range Scale Factor
Fpar_500m Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation Percent 8-bit unsigned integer 249 to 255 N/A 0 to 100 0.01
Lai_500m Leaf Area Index m²/m² 8-bit unsigned integer 249 to 255 N/A 0 to 100 0.1
FparLai_QC Quality for LAI and FPAR Class Flag 8-bit unsigned integer 255 N/A 0 to 254 N/A
FparExtra_QC Extra detail Quality for LAI and FPAR Class Flag 8-bit unsigned integer 255 N/A 0 to 254 N/A
FparStdDev_500m Standard deviation of FPAR Percent 8-bit unsigned integer 248 to 255 N/A 0 to 100 0.01
LaiStdDev_500m Standard deviation of LAI m²/m² 8-bit unsigned integer 248 to 255 N/A 0 to 100 0.1

LAI and FPAR fill value classes

Value Description
249 Land cover assigned as "unclassified" or not able to determine
250 Land cover assigned as urban/built-up
251 Land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands/inundated marshland
252 Land cover assigned as perennial snow, ice
253 Land cover assigned as barren, sparse vegetation (rock, tundra, desert)
254 Land cover assigned as perennial salt or inland fresh water
255 Fill

STD LAI and STD FPAR fill value classes

Value Description
248 No standard deviation available, pixel produced using backup method
249 Land cover assigned as "unclassified" or not able to determine
250 Land cover assigned as urban/built-up
251 Land cover assigned as "permanent" wetlands / inundated marshland
252 Land cover assigned as perennial snow, ice
253 Land cover assigned as barren, sparse vegetation (rock, tundra, desert)
254 Land cover assigned as perennial salt or inland fresh water
255 Fill

Product Quality

The quality layers are stored in an efficient bit-encoded manner. The unpack_sds_bits executable from the LDOPE Tools is available to the user community to help parse and interpret these layers.

The bit flags for the FparLai_QC and FparExtra_QC layers are provided on pages 8-9 of the User Guide.

Quality assurance information should be considered when determining the usability of data for a particular science application. The ArcGIS MODIS-VIIRS Python Toolbox contains tools capable of decoding quality data layers while producing thematic quality raster files for each quality attribute.

In addition to data access and transformation processes, AppEEARS also has the capability to unpack and interpret the quality layers.

Known Issues

For complete information about the MYD15A2H known issues refer to the MODIS Land Quality Assessment website.

About the image

Leaf Area Index (LAI ) data from the MYD15A2H product over Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, August 21 - 24, 2018.

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User Guide
Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD)
File Specification

Using the Data

Access Data


DOI: 10.5067/MODIS/MYD15A2H.006
