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JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2
28 Publications Cited this Dataset
Citation metrics available for years (2014-2022)
Publications citing JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2
Citation metrics available for years (2014-2022)
Year | Citation |
2016 | Wiese, D. N., D.-N. Yuan, C. Boening, F. W. Landerer, M. M. Watkins (2016), JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, Ver. 2. PO.DAAC, CA, USA, doi: 10.5067/TEMSC-2LCR5. SMAP observes flooding from land to sea: The Texas event of 2015, Geophysical , |
2017 | Wiese, D.N.; Yuan, D.N.; Boening, C.; Landerer, F.W.; Watkins, M.M. Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2. Ver. 2. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. 2015. Available online: on 27 October 2016). Land Cover, Land Use, and Climate Change Impacts on Endemic Cichlid Habitats in Northern Tanzania, Remote Sensing , |
2017 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., & Watkins, M. M. (2017). JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, ice, and hydrology equivalent waterheight RL05M.1 CRI filtered version 2., Ver. 2., PO.DAAC, CA. Retrieved from Sustained Water Loss in California's Mountain Ranges During Severe Drought From 2012 to 2015 Inferred From GPS, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth , |
2018 | Wiese, D.N.; Yuan, D.-N.; Boening, C.; Landerer, F.W.; Watkins, M.M. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC. 2016. [ On the desiccation of the South Aral Sea observed from spaceborne missions, Remote Sensing , |
2018 | Wiese, D. N.: GRACE monthly global water mass grids NETCDF RELEASE 5.0 Ver. 5.0 Mascon Ver. 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA, 2015. Understanding terrestrial water storage variations in northern latitudes across scales, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences , |
2018 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., and Watkins, M. M.: JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2., Ver. 2., PO.DAAC, CA, USA., doi:10.5067/TEMSC-2LCR5, accessed: 2018-06-20, 2016. A surface energy and mass balance model for simulations over multiple glacial cycles, The Cryosphere Discussions , |
2018 | 27. Wiese DN, Yuan D-N, Boening C, Landerer FW, Watkins MM (2016) JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered (PO.DAAC, Pasadena, CA). Version 2. Available at Accessed October 1, 2017. Climate-change–driven accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , |
2018 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N,. Boening, C., Landerer, F. W. and Watkins, M. M.: JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent, Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2., Ver. 2., PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [2017-04-04] at,, 2016. Dynamics of finite causal processes, Earth System Dynamics-Discussions , |
2018 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W. & Watkins, M. M. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2 PO.DAAC, CA, USA (2016). Emerging trends in global freshwater availability, Nature , |
2018 | Hydrology and the future of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Nature Communications , |
2019 | 24. Wiese, D.N.; Yuan, D.-N.; Boening, C.; Landerer, F.W.; Watkins, M.M. JPL Grace Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Available online: (accessed on 30 September 2017). Monitoring Groundwater Change in California's Central Valley Using Sentinel-1 and GRACE Observations, Geosciences , |
2019 | On the use of adaptive ensemble Kalman filtering to mitigate error misspecifications in GRACE data assimilation, Water Resources Research , |
2019 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., and Watkins, M. M. (2016b). JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2., Ver. 2. California, CA: PODAAC, doi: 10.5067/TEMSC-2LCR5 Measuring global ocean heat content to estimate the Earth energy imbalance, Frontiers in Marine Science , |
2019 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W.,and Watkins, M. M.: JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice,and Hydrology Equivalent HDR Water Height RL05M.1CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA, dataset,, 2016. Greenland Ice Sheet solid ice discharge from 1986 through 2017, Earth System Science Data , |
2019 | Consumer welfare and climate change in Greenland, Energy Economics , |
2019 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., and Watkins, M. M.: JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrol- ogy Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA,, 2016. An efficient surface energy-mass balance model for snow and ice, The Cryosphere , |
2020 | Wiese, D.N.; Yuan, D.-N.; Boening, C.; Landerer, F.W.; Watkins, M.M. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2. 2016. Available online: Air Pollution and Its Association with the Greenland Ice Sheet Melt. Sustainability 2021, 13, 65, Sustainability , |
2020 | Wiese, D.N.; Yuan, D.-N.; Boening, C.; Landerer, F.W.; Watkins, M.M. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Available online: (accessed on 1 October 2018). Cascading dynamics of the hydrologic cycle in California explored through observations and model simulations, Geosciences , |
2020 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., and Watkins, M. M.: JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent HDR Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA,, 2016. Greenland Ice Sheet solid ice discharge from 1986 through March 2020, Earth System Science Data , |
2020 | Wiese, D.N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F.W., Watkins, M.M., 2016. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent HDR Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2. Ver. 2., PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed at Improving the estimate of the secular variation of Greenland ice mass in the recent decades by incorporating a stochastic process, Earth and Planetary Science Letters , |
2020 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., and Watkins, M. M.: JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrol- ogy Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2, PO.DAAC, CA, USA, Dataset,, 2016. MIROC-INTEG-LAND version 1: a global biogeochemical land surface model with human water management, crop growth, and land-use change, Geoscientific Model Development , |
2020 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., & Watkins, M. M. (2016). JPL GRACE mascon ocean, ice, and hydrology equivalent water height RL05M.1 CRI filtered version 2. Pasadena, CA: PO.DAAC. Representing Inter‐cell Lateral Groundwater Flow and Aquifer Pumping in the Community Land Model, Water Resources Research , |
2021 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., and Watkins, M. M. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2. Ver. 2. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [2017-09-28]., 2016 Development of an integrated land surface model with ecosystems, human water management, crop growth, and land-use change: MIROC-INTEG-LAND, Report |
2021 | Wiese, D.N.; Yuan, D.-N.; Boening, C.; Landerer, F.W.; Watkins, M.M. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1 CRI Filtered Version 2. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Available online: (accessed on 1 October 2018) Groundwater depletion signals in the beqaa plain, Lebanon: Evidence from GRACE and sentinel-1 data, Journal ,10.3390/rs13050915 |
2021 | Wiese, D. N., Yuan, D.-N., Boening, C., Landerer, F. W., & Watkins, M. M. (2016). JPL GRACE mascon ocean, ice, and hydrology equivalent water height RL05M.1 CRI filtered version 2. Pasadena, CA: PO.DAAC. Representing intercell lateral groundwater flow and aquifer pumping in the community land model, Journal ,10.1029/2020WR027531 |
2022 | Critical role of irrigation efficiency for cropland expansion in western China arid agroecosystems, Earth's Future ,10.1029/2022EF002955 |
2022 | Using Information from Remote Sensing to Estimate Groundwater: GRACE and Sentinel-1 Satellites, Satellite Monitoring of Water Resources in the Middle East ,10.1007/978-3-031-15549-9_16 |
2022 | Information content of soil hydrology in a west Amazon watershed as informed by GRACE, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences ,10.5194/hess-26-1407-2022 |
DOI | 10.5067/TEMSC-2LCR5 |
Description | This dataset represents Version 2 of the JPL GRACE Mascon Equivalent Water Height RL05M.1, providing global water storage anomalies relative to a time-mean of monthly mass grids as derived from GRACE. These data are provided in a single data file in netCDF format and is applicable for ocean, ice, and hydrology. This version of the data employs a Coastal Resolution Improvement (CRI) filter that reduces leakage errors across coastlines. The storage anomalies are given in equivalent water thickness units (cm). The solution provided here is derived from solving for monthly gravity field variations in terms of spherical cap mass concentration functions, rather than spherical harmonic coefficients. Additionally, realistic geophysical information is introduced during the solution inversion to intrinsically remove correlated error. Thus, these Mascon solutions do not need to be destriped or smoothed, like traditional spherical harmonic gravity solutions. The complete Mascon solution consists of 4,551 relatively independent estimates of surface mass change that have been estimated using an equal-area 3-degree grid of individual mascons. A subset of these individual mascons span coastlines, and contain mixed land and ocean mass change signals. In a post-processing step, the CRI filter is applied to the complete Mascon solution to separate land and ocean mass from individual mascons that span coastlines. The land mask used to perform this separation is provided in the same directory as this dataset. Since the individual mascons act as an inherent smoother on the gravity field, a set of optional gain factors (for continental hydrology applications) that can be applied to the solution to study mass change signals at sub-mascon resolution is also provided within the same data directory as the Mascon data. A summary of changes and enhancements to Version 2 (compared to Version 1) can be found in PO.DAAC Drive at As a result of these enhancements, the GRACE Project advises users to no longer continue using the Version 1 Mascon data, and to follow this recommendation we have retired the Version 1 dataset. Please refer to the 'Data Access' tab at the top of this page to gain direct access to the Mascon data. For more information, please visit For a detailed description on the Mascon solution, including the mathematical derivation, implementation of geophysical constraints, and solution validation, please see Watkins et al., 2015, doi: 10.1002/2014JB011547. |
Version | RL05Mv02 |
Dataset Type | DEPRECATED |
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Citation is critically important for dataset documentation and discovery. Please cite the data as follows, and cite the reference papers when it is appropriate.
Citation | D. N. Wiese, D.-N. Yuan, C. Boening, F. W. Landerer, M. M. Watkins. 2016. JPL GRACE Mascon Ocean, Ice, and Hydrology Equivalent Water Height CRI Filtered. Ver. RL05Mv02. PO.DAAC, CA, USA. Dataset accessed [YYYY-MM-DD] at
For more information see Data Citations and Acknowledgments.
Journal Reference | Watkins, M. M., D. N. Wiese, D.-N. Yuan, C. Boening, F. W. Landerer (2015), Improved methods for observing Earth's time variable mass distribution with GRACE, JGR Solid Earth, 10.1002/2014JB011547. . |