Articles | Volume 11, issue 19
Technical note
11 Oct 2011
Technical note |  | 11 Oct 2011

Technical Note: On the effect of water-soluble compounds removal on EC quantification by TOT analysis in urban aerosol samples

A. Piazzalunga, V. Bernardoni, P. Fermo, G. Valli, and R. Vecchi

Abstract. In this work, three different thermal protocols were tested on untreated and water-washed aerosol samples to study the influence of soluble organic and inorganic compounds on EC measurements. Moreover, analyses on the water soluble extracts were carried out. The aim was to find out the most suitable protocol to analyse samples collected in a heavily polluted area. Indeed, the tests were performed on real samples collected at an urban background station in the Po Valley, which is one of the main pollution hot-spots in Europe.

The main differences among the tested protocols were the maximum temperature of the He step (i.e. 870 °C, 650 °C, and 580 °C) and the duration of the plateaus during the heating procedure. Our measurements evidenced the presence of a significant amount of weakly light-absorbing carbonaceous aerosol evolving during the highest temperature step in He (i.e. 870 °C), which makes lower temperature protocols not suitable for EC determination in samples collected in heavily polluted areas like Milan.

Final-revised paper