Articles | Volume 8, issue 4
Model description paper
01 Apr 2015
Model description paper |  | 01 Apr 2015

A simple object-oriented and open-source model for scientific and policy analyses of the global climate system – Hector v1.0

C. A. Hartin, P. Patel, A. Schwarber, R. P. Link, and B. P. Bond-Lamberty

Abstract. Simple climate models play an integral role in the policy and scientific communities. They are used for climate mitigation scenarios within integrated assessment models, complex climate model emulation, and uncertainty analyses. Here we describe Hector v1.0, an open source, object-oriented, simple global climate carbon-cycle model. This model runs essentially instantaneously while still representing the most critical global-scale earth system processes. Hector has a three-part main carbon cycle: a one-pool atmosphere, land, and ocean. The model's terrestrial carbon cycle includes primary production and respiration fluxes, accommodating arbitrary geographic divisions into, e.g., ecological biomes or political units. Hector actively solves the inorganic carbon system in the surface ocean, directly calculating air–sea fluxes of carbon and ocean pH. Hector reproduces the global historical trends of atmospheric [CO2], radiative forcing, and surface temperatures. The model simulates all four Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) with equivalent rates of change of key variables over time compared to current observations, MAGICC (a well-known simple climate model), and models from the 5th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. Hector's flexibility, open-source nature, and modular design will facilitate a broad range of research in various areas.

Short summary
Simple climate models play an integral role in policy and scientific communities. Hector v1.0 is an open-source, object-oriented, simple global climate carbon-cycle model. Hector reproduces the global historical trends of atmospheric [CO2], radiative forcing, and surface temperatures. Hector simulates all four representative concentration pathways with equivalent rates of change of key variables over time compared to current observations and other models.