Articles | Volume 17, issue 12
Brief communication
04 Dec 2017
Brief communication |  | 04 Dec 2017

Brief communication: Landslide motion from cross correlation of UAV-derived morphological attributes

Maria V. Peppa, Jon P. Mills, Phil Moore, Pauline E. Miller, and Jonathan E. Chambers

Abstract. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can provide observations of high spatio-temporal resolution to enable operational landslide monitoring. In this research, the construction of digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthomosaics from UAV imagery is achieved using structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetric procedures. The study examines the additional value that the morphological attribute of openness, amongst others, can provide to surface deformation analysis. Image-cross-correlation functions and DEM subtraction techniques are applied to the SfM outputs. Through the proposed integrated analysis, the automated quantification of a landslide's motion over time is demonstrated, with implications for the wider interpretation of landslide kinematics via UAV surveys.

Short summary
Unmanned aerial vehicles can provide digital elevation models and orthomosaics of high spatio-temporal resolution to enable landslide monitoring. The study examines the additional value that morphological attribute of openness can provide to surface deformation combining with image-cross-correlation functions alongside DEM differencing. The paper demonstrates the automated quantification of a landslide's motion over time with implications for the wider interpretation of landslide kinematics.
Final-revised paper