Articles | Volume 8, issue 3
Research article
07 Jun 2012
Research article |  | 07 Jun 2012

Transports and budgets in a 1/4 ° global ocean reanalysis 1989–2010

K. Haines, M. Valdivieso, H. Zuo, and V. N. Stepanov

Abstract. Large-scale ocean transports of heat and freshwater have not been well monitored, and yet the regional budgets of these quantities are important to understanding the role of the oceans in climate and climate change. In contrast, atmospheric heat and freshwater transports are commonly assessed from atmospheric reanalysis products, despite the presence of non-conserving data assimilation based on the wealth of distributed atmospheric observations as constraints. The ability to carry out ocean reanalyses globally at eddy-permitting resolutions of 1/4 ° or better, along with new global ocean observation programs, now makes a similar approach viable for the ocean. In this paper we examine the budgets and transports within a global high resolution ocean model constrained by ocean data assimilation, and compare them with independent oceanic and atmospheric estimates.
