Pierre Thevenet
Pierre Tufféry
INSERM and Univ Paris Diderot, France
Structure Prediction, Peptide, Structural Alphabet, Hidden Markov Models.
Algorithms and Software Tools
Biomedical Engineering
Biostatistics and Stochastic Models
Model Design and Evaluation
Structural Bioinformatics
Structure Prediction
Peptides have, in the recent years, become plausible candidate therapeutics. However, their structural characterization at a large scale, necessary for their identification and optimization, still remains an open in silico challenge. We introduce a new procedure to the rapid generation of 3D models of peptides. It is based on the concept of Hidden Markov Model derived structural alphabet, a generalization of the secondary structure. Based on this concept we have previously setup an approach to the de novo modeling of peptide structure based on a greedy algorithm. Here, we explore a new strategy that relies on the sampling of the sub-optimal sequences of states in the terms of a Hidden Markov Model derived structural alphabet. Our results suggest such procedure is able to identify the native conformation of peptides at a very low algorithmic complexity, while having a performance similar to the former greedy approach. On average peptide models approximate the experimental structure at
less than 3°A RMSD, for a processing cost of only few minutes on a workstation.
As a result, peptide de novo modeling becomes tractable at a large scale.