Catalina Cocianu
Alexandru Stan
Bucharest University of Economics, Romania
Digital Signature based Security Systems, Evolution Strategies, Image Registration, Mutual Information.
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Computer-Supported Education
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Operational Research
Problem Solving
Security and Privacy
Software Engineering
This paper focuses on the development of an image registration methodology for digital signature recognition. We consider two perturbation models, namely the rigid transformation and a mixture of shear and rigid deformation. The proposed methodology involves three stages. In the first stage, both the acquired image and the stored one are binarized to reduce the computational effort. Then an evolution strategy (ES) is applied to register the obtained binary images. The quality of each chromosome belonging to a certain population is evaluated in terms of mutual information-based fitness function. In order to speed up the computation of fitness values, we propose a computation strategy based on the binary representation of images and the sparsity of the image matrices. Finally, we evaluate the registration capabilities of the proposed methodology by means of quantitative measures as well as qualitative indicators. The experimental results and some conclusions concerning the capabilities
of various methods derived from the proposed methodology are reported in the final section of the paper.