Published May 8, 2024
| Version v0.6-0
hzambran/hydroGOF: v0.6-0
- 1. Deptartment of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, Universidad de La Frontera
Changes in version 0.6-0 08-May-2024
Bug fixes
o 'ggof' : the GoF values are now correctly shown in the legend ('VE' position was changed before KGEs). Thanks to @seyounger (#23)
o 'plot2': the GoF values are now correctly shown in the legend.
o 'sKGE' : -) output values are correctly shown when 'sim' and 'obs' are matrix/data.frame and out.PerYear=TRUE.
-) the argument 'start-month' now is working. It fix the error "Error in .shiftyears(dates.obs, start.month) : object 'syears' not found".
New functions
o 'APFB' : to compute the mean annual peak flow bias focused on high flows, proposed by Mizukami et al. (2017).
o 'HFB' : to compute the median annual high-flows bias focused on high flows, proposed by Zambrano-Bigiarini (2024).
o 'wsNSE': to compute the weighted seasonal Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency focused on high or low flows (depending an an argument value), proposed by Zambrano-Bigiarini and Bellin (2012).
o 'KGEkm': to compute the knowable moments KGE, proposed by Pizarro and Jorquera (2024).
Other minor changes
o 'ggof' : default values for 'lQ.thr' and 'hQ.thr' arguments were changed from 0.7 and 0.2, respectively to 'lQ.thr=0.6' and 'hQ.thr==0.1'
o 'pbiasfdc' : default values for 'lQ.thr' and 'hQ.thr' arguments were changed from 0.7 and 0.2, respectively to 'lQ.thr=0.6' and 'hQ.thr==0.1'
o References in most functions have been revised and improved.
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