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Drone with advanced radio-telemetry system tracks wildlife in Australia

australia drone wildlife track telemetry

The unparalleled flexibility that comes with drones being able to carry a multitude of sensors, high-resolution cameras, and survey-grade mapping payloads has seen them being used for monitoring sensitive ecological areas and endangered species in several parts of the world. But a rather interesting case is now emerging from Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC) where the conservation organization has teamed up with Wildlife Drones to deploy a drone specially equipped with an advanced radio-telemetry system to track and monitor vulnerable wildlife species.

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Parallel Flight’s Firefly heavy-lift drone to protect Wake Island from destructive rats

Firefly heavy-lift drone rats

Specialized heavy-lift drone producer Parallel Flight Technologies has been tapped by USDA Wildlife Services to adapt its Firefly UAV developed to assist firefighters for a natural wildlife preservation project aiming to eradicate a destructive population of invasive rats on Wake Island.

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Drone pilot videos bull moose’s rare double-antler head-bang snap

drone video moose

If only haircuts were as exciting. When bull moose crave a more light-headed feeling each winter, they rid themselves of their weighty antlers with a sudden, mighty shake of the noggin that snaps them right off – an entirely unpredictable gesture performed deep in the wild that a Canadian drone pilot with impeccable timing somehow managed to capture on video.

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Drones deter criminals, family gangs from poaching at world-famous salmon river

salmon poachers drones poaching

Located in Scotland, the magnificent River Dee is one of the most famous salmon rivers in the world. But as popular as the 100% “Catch and Release” river is with anglers, it has been notoriously targeted for years by poachers who remove the fish illegally. So now, drones have been brought in to catch the criminals.

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Marine photographer, boy protégé film great white sharks chilling with surfers in San Diego

shark drone video san diego

Southern California-based professional shutterbug Carlos Gauna has been bringing us beautiful drone shots of sharks, whales, and other marine life for a while now. For his latest video, this time shot in San Diego, he collaborates with a very special 10-year-old boy looking to spread shark awareness with the help of his Mini 2 drone, and captures several close encounters between surfers and sharks.

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France battles illegal drone flights in beloved national parks

France drones national parks

The enduring pandemic hasn’t managed to undermine France’s passion for going on vacation whenever the opportunity arises, though it has forced most travelers to choose domestic destinations over foreign options. That has translated into a recent surge in visits to France’s nature reserves and national parks, and a corresponding increase in the number of drones overhead that now constitute a real problem.

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Drone captures efforts to free whale caught in shark net in Australia

australia whale shark net

Heartbreaking scenes of a juvenile whale trapped in shark nets off Australia’s Gold Coast for two days and two nights has reignited debate about the country’s shark control program. The humpback whale, which has been freed after a marathon rescue mission, still faces a fight for survival because rescuers have not been able to remove all portions of shark control equipment from its tail.

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Australia’s new drone whale monitoring program is delivering breathtaking results

drone whale monitoring

When a critically endangered southern right whale swam into a lake in Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) last month, it was a local drone photographer who was on hand to snag some spectacular footage of the majestic creature. And just last week, a mom and newborn calf whales were caught breaching on camera by a drone pilot off Jervis Bay.

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Vidiot: Drone pilot provokes protected seals to stampede before filming self, then uploads

drone pilot seals

Score it as multiple stupids in a single act. A drone pilot flying over a Scottish nature reserve provoked scores of protected seals to stampede in fear – filming the mass flight before circling back for an overhead selfie of his group. Now the cops are checking images from the internet upload to cite the flier for violation of laws prohibiting harassment of wildlife.

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