Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
:1. Introduction
- search new target
- follow target
- locate known target.
- Search theory and multi-target tracking are large, but separate, research areas. The problem where search and target tracking are combined has received much less attention, especially in vision-based applications. One of the objectives of this study is to fill this gap.
- There are few studies that examines both high-level and low-level aspects of tracking, planning and searching. In this paper, the state-machine framework adopted uses sub-blocks that achieve low-level tracking, planning and searching tasks while a high-level decision maker chooses among these sub-tasks to obtain an overall situational awareness.
- A useful utility measure for the combined search and target tracking performance is proposed.
- The use of road networks has been used widely to improve the tracking performance of road-bound targets, but in this study we are also utilizing the road network for improved search performance.
- We investigate the effect of the multi-target assumption on the search and show that it results in the same planning scheme as in the single target case.
- There are few studies where both PFs and PMFs are examined. We show the utilization of each algorithm and discuss the merits and the disadvantages with the appropriate applications.
1.1. Background and Literature Survey
1.2. Outline
2. The Multiple Target Search and Tracking Problem
2.1. Objective Function
- It increases with each observation.
- It does not decrease unlimited for unobserved or lost targets, i.e., each target should have a limited influence.
- It should favor strategies that find many targets.
- It should give a fair compromise between splitting the observation resource among the different targets.
2.2. The Planning Problem
2.3. State-Machine Framework
- Mode 1: Search for new targets. In this search mode the roads are explored to discover new unknown targets. This search will stop once a target is detected and a mode transition to mode 2 will be performed. To know which road segments that have been searched, a probability grid on the roads is maintained. In the update step the weights are decreased for grid points in the current sensor footprint, see Section 5 for details.
- Mode 2: Target tracking. When the target tracking mode is active it is assumed that a target has been detected in the current sensor frame. The task of this mode is just to keep track of the current target in the sensor view. The default case in this work is that the target tracking mode is active for a fixed number of time steps, and then the high-level planner decides a transition to either mode 1 or mode 3.
- Mode 3: Search for known target. When a previously discovered target is not observed for some time, its position uncertainty grows. Thus, when the target must be re-discovered it might not be possible to point the sensor in the correct direction since the uncertainty is too large. In such cases, this mode will be active to perform a search on road segments where the target is likely to be.
- High-level planner. The high-level planner decides which mode is active. Basically, the task is to decide if any known target needs to be re-discovered and updated, or if there is time to conduct search for new targets. There is an obvious conflict in this problem, when one target is tracked, or searched for, then the uncertainty of the other targets will grow, and with increasing uncertainty the expected search time for re-discover is also increasing.
3. Elements of Single Target Bayesian Search
3.1. The General Estimation Solution
3.2. Cumulative Probability of No Detection
4. Single Road Target Search based on a Particle Filter
4.1. Particle Filter
4.2. Calculation of the Cost Function with the PF
- Let t = 1. Initialize the particle mixture weights used in the planning as for i = 1, 2, ..., N where is the set of current target probability density in the tracking filter.
- Simulate the evolution of the particles according to the target model
- Compute the probability of detection, PD(xt), and update the target density given a non-detection. Thus, for all particles i, calculate
- Set t := t +1. If t ≤ n, then go to step (ii), otherwise go to the next step.
- Set the cost function value as the cumulative probability of non-detection
5. Multi-Road-Target Search Based on PMF
5.1. Generalization of the Single Target Search to Multiple Targets
5.2. Point-Mass Filter
5.3. Target Search on a Road Network Grid
6. Multiple Road Target Search and Tracking
- New target search; search for new targets that have not been discovered before. This mode is further explained in Section 6.1.
- Tracking Tracking; a detected target is followed in the current sensor frame, Section 6.2.
- Known target search; search for an earlier discovered target that is not in the current sensor frame, Section 6.3.
6.1. New Target Search
6.2. Target Tracking
6.3. Known Target Search
6.4. High-Level Planner
- Compute the value
- Compute the value
- Let
6.5. UAV Path Planner
6.6. Simulation Examples: Moving Sensor Platform with Occlusion
6.7. Experiences from Real-World Experiments with a Pan/Tilt-Camera
7. Conclusions
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A. System Models
A.1. UAV Motion Model
A.2. Dynamic Sensor Gimbal Model
A.3. Road Target Motion Model
A.4. Bearings-only Observation Model
A.5. Probability of Detection Model
B. Proof of Theorem 1
Share and Cite
Skoglar, P.; Orguner, U.; Törnqvist, D.; Gustafsson, F. Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Remote Sens. 2012, 4, 2076-2111.
Skoglar P, Orguner U, Törnqvist D, Gustafsson F. Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Remote Sensing. 2012; 4(7):2076-2111.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSkoglar, Per, Umut Orguner, David Törnqvist, and Fredrik Gustafsson. 2012. "Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" Remote Sensing 4, no. 7: 2076-2111.
APA StyleSkoglar, P., Orguner, U., Törnqvist, D., & Gustafsson, F. (2012). Road Target Search and Tracking with Gimballed Vision Sensor on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Remote Sensing, 4(7), 2076-2111.