Taking of evidence
If you initiate legal proceedings, it is usually crucial to present evidence to the court in order to prove your claim.
Service of documents: official transmission of legal documents
If you are involved in a legal proceeding and you need to send and/or receive legal or extrajudicial documents, you can find national information on how to proceed here.
Time limits on procedures
When you are involved in a civil dispute and think you may have to litigate, you must be aware that there is certain deadline for taking action.
Online processing of cases and e-communication with courts
Information on the current status to communicate electronically with national courts.
Protection against violence & harassment
Any protection measures (restraining, barring or a similar protection order) granted by a national court can be enforced in another EU country.
Which country's court is responsible?
European Union law can determine which court handles a case when both parties to a dispute initiate proceedings in different EU countries.
Recognition & enforcement of court decisions
If a court has decided that someone must pay you an amount of money or undertake a particular action (judgment) and this has not happened or you have not received the money, you may want to ask the court to enforce the decision.