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Oceans and fisheries
  • Consultation
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Targeted consultation on international ocean governance


Opening date
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Target audience

Stakeholders, within and beyond Europe including public authorities, international organisations, NGOs, financial institutions, academic, scientific, social and economic partners.

Why we are consulting

To assess development needs and options for the EU’s international ocean governance agenda. It aims to identify opportunities for action in light of today’s challenges and opportunities in international ocean governance to deliver on the sustainable development goal on the oceans (SDG14) under the 2030 agenda in support of the European Green Deal.

Respond to the consultation

The consultation is closed.

Consultation outcome

123 contributions were received, 121 through the online questionnaire and 2 sent individually from a broad range of stakeholders including governments, international organisations, business representatives, associations, NGOs, and academia.

Summary of the results of the targeted consultation on International Ocean Governance (2021)

  • 11 NOVEMBER 2021
Targeted consultation on International Ocean Governance (2020)

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EU Ocean Governance Forum

EU Ocean Governance Forum
EU-Ocean-Governance-Forumatec [dot] europa [dot] eu