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Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK)
(National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management)
Tel: +36 1 350 1618 
E-mail: nemzetkatneak [dot] gov [dot] hu (nemzetk[at]neak[dot]gov[dot]hu)


Treatment, coverage & costs

To take advantage of your European Health Insurance Card, you must consult healthcare professionals under contract to the Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK - National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management). They can be identified by the description: “A társadalombiztosítás egészségügyi szolgáltatásaira szerződött szolgáltató” (health service under contract to the state-operated social security system).


  • To take advantage of your European Health Insurance Card, you must consult a doctor under contract to the Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK - National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management). Consultations are free of charge.
  • To consult a specialist, you will need a referral from a doctor.


  • To take advantage of your European Health Insurance Card, you must consult a dentist working under contract for the National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management NEAK.
  • NEAK dentists can provide the following free of charge where medically necessary:
    • emergency care
    • some treatments provided on the basis of a referral from a specialist
    • certain treatments to preserve teeth
    • dental surgery
    • treatment of gum disease
  • For all other dental treatments, there will be a charge, except for people under 18 or over 62, pregnant women, and women who have recently given birth, up to the 90th day after childbirth.
  • Before treatment, read the information on display at the healthcare service provider or enquire by phone about the fees they apply (information may sometimes be available in languages other than Hungarian, but this is not a legal obligation).
  • The cost of materials is generally borne by the patient.

Hospital treatment

  • You need a referral from a doctor, except in the event of an emergency.
  • Hospital treatment is generally free of charge in hospitals which have a contract with the National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management, NEAK.
  • Hospitals apply additional charges for extra services, such as premium accommodation or special meals.


  • A fee is charged for prescribed medicines.
  • Depending on the medication, you may either be charged a reduced fee or have to pay the full price. This is non-refundable in Hungary, but you can always seek reimbursement once you return home.


  • Transport in Hungary by the National Ambulance Service is free of charge.

Air ambulance

  • In Hungary, the National Air Ambulance Service can provide medically necessary air transport.



  • There are no reimbursements in Hungary, because you are charged only the share of your healthcare costs for which there is no refund.
  • If you have to pay for care, contact your national health insurance provider once you return home to seek reimbursement.


Patient contribution

National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management

Dialysis, oxygen & chemotherapy


How do I apply for an EHIC?


Doctors & hospitals accepting the EHIC


Loss of card

Contacts for holders of EHICs issued in Hungary

Nemzeti Egészségbiztosítási Alapkezelő (NEAK)
(National Institute for Health Insurance Fund Management)
Tel: +36 1 350 1618 
E-mail: nemzetkatneak [dot] gov [dot] hu (nemzetk[at]neak[dot]gov[dot]hu)
