The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is the first international, legally binding instrument setting minimum standards for rights of people with disabilities, and the first human rights convention to which the EU has become a party.The UN Convention says that persons with disabilities have the same rights as everyone else. It also tells how countries can protect these rights.For the EU, the convention entered into force on 22 January 2011. All EU Member States have signed and ratified the convention. 22 EU countries have also signed and ratified its optional protocol in January 2019.This means that every EU country must protect the rights of persons with disabilities. 22 EU countries have also signed and ratified its optional protocol, which establishes an individual complaints mechanism for the Convention. The European Commission coordinates the implementation of the Convention at EU level.The EU’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 covers all areas of the UN Convention.Reporting to the United NationsParties to the convention need to periodically inform the UN committee on the rights of persons with disabilities about the measures taken to implement it. The Commission has provided the following:first report to the UN on the EU's application of the Convention (June 2014)response to UN review of the EU's implementation of the convention (June 2015)dialogue with the UN in Geneva and recommendations for follow-up. A summary of the dialogue in an easy-to-read version prepared by Inclusion Europe is available. (August 2015)a response to the UN Committee's more urgent recommendations, and follow-up on the adoption of the European accessibility act, the Commission's withdrawal from the EU Framework, and the update of the list of EU legal acts related to disability (January 2017).The EU is submitting its next periodic report to the UN one year after adoption of the list of issues by the UNCRPD Committee in April 2022. EU Member States must also submit individual implementation reports to the UN for matters falling under their competence.High level group on disability and work forumThe Commission regularly discusses the implementation of the convention at EU and Member State level in a high level group on disability withthe European Commissionexperts from EU Member StatesNorwayseveral EU-level NGOs, including disabled people’s organisations (DPOs)In addition, an annual work forum brings together those responsible for implementing and monitoring the Convention, civil society bodies, and DPOs from the EU and its Member States.EU framework on the implementation of the UNCRPDThe EU is required to have a basis to promote, protect and implement the UNCRPD in matters falling under the EU's competence.The framework became operational in 2013, based on a proposal by the Commission that was endorsed by the Council in 2012. It complements national monitoring mechanisms.The members of the EU Framework are:European ParliamentEuropean OmbudsmanEU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)European Disability Forum (EDF)The European Commission was a member of the Framework until late 2015. The Commission withdrew following the recommendation of the Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities. The European Commission continues to coordinate the implementation of the UNCRPD at EU level. Related news News article29 January 2025New event recordings available: watch AccessibleEU events on our Multimedia corner1 min readNews article29 November 2024Vienna wins 2025 Access City Award for leading the way in accessibility for persons with disabilities2 min readPress release29 November 2024Vienna wins 2025 Access City AwardSee all Related events Conferences and summitsEuropean Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024Thursday 28 November 2024, 10:00 - Friday 29 November 2024, 11:00 (GMT+0100)Training and workshopsWebinar: Special non-contributory cash benefits (SNCB)Tuesday 12 November 2024, 11:00 - 13:30 (GMT+0100)Online onlyConferences and summits Access for non-working Union citizens to social and health benefits and social security for live-ins (home care workers) in GermanyFriday 14 June 2024, 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT+0200) Related links UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesReport on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)List of issues by the UN to the initial report of the European UnionDecision for the conclusion of the Convention on the 26 November 2009Reply to the UN on the implementation of the UN ConventionUnited Nations checked the EU's progress on disability (easy read version)
News article29 January 2025New event recordings available: watch AccessibleEU events on our Multimedia corner1 min read
News article29 November 2024Vienna wins 2025 Access City Award for leading the way in accessibility for persons with disabilities2 min read
Conferences and summitsEuropean Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024Thursday 28 November 2024, 10:00 - Friday 29 November 2024, 11:00 (GMT+0100)
Training and workshopsWebinar: Special non-contributory cash benefits (SNCB)Tuesday 12 November 2024, 11:00 - 13:30 (GMT+0100)Online only
Conferences and summits Access for non-working Union citizens to social and health benefits and social security for live-ins (home care workers) in GermanyFriday 14 June 2024, 12:00 - 13:00 (GMT+0200)