Stock Research Report for Kalana Ispat Ltd
Stock score of Kalana Ispat Ltd moved down by 3 in a month on a 10 point scale (Source: Refinitiv). Get detailed report on Kalana Ispat Ltd by subscribing to ETPrime.
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Kalana Ispat Ltd. Kalana Ispat Limited is an India-based company. The Company is primarily engaged in manufacturing of mild steel (M.S.) billets/ingots and alloy steel billets/ingots of various grades. The Company's product portfolio includes MS billets and alloy steel billets. The Company uses a combination of raw materials, such as MS scrap, sponge iron, silicon manganese, aluminum ingots and certain salts, which are melted at high temperature and are poured in casts to form a rectangle or metal bar or MS billet. It produces MS billets of various grades. It produces alloy steel billets on an order basis. Its manufacturing unit is located in Taluka Sanand, Mouje Kala village, Ahmedabad.