Stock Research Report for Trans India House Impex Ltd
Stock score of Trans India House Impex Ltd moved down by 1 in 3 months on a 10 point scale (Source: Refinitiv). Get detailed report on Trans India House Impex Ltd by subscribing to ETPrime.
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Trans India House Impex Limited is an India-based service-oriented export trading company. It provides domestic and international companies the opportunity to import and export products to new and existing markets. The Company operates through Trading of Goods segment. The Company's products include Ceramic Tiles, Packaging, Textiles and fabrics, Dehydrated vegetables and Rice. The Company's services include import-export, logistics and merchant trading. Its dehydrated vegetables products include white onion, red onion, pink onion, garlic, ginger, cabbage, beetroot, spinach, green chili, tomato, tamarind, coriander, carrot, and fenugreek. Its dehydrated vegetable products come in various forms, such as kibbled/flakes, chopped, minced, granules, power and leaves. Its logistics services include shipping and forwarding, cargo clearance, port and terminal services, multi model logistics, warehousing, empty yard, and shipping agent.