Stock Research Report for TVS Motor Company Ltd
Stock score of TVS Motor Company Ltd moved up by 0 in an year on a 10 point scale (Source: Refinitiv). Get detailed report on TVS Motor Company Ltd by subscribing to ETPrime.
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TVS Motor Company Limited is an India-based two and three-wheeler manufacturer globally, supporting progress through sustainable mobility with four manufacturing facilities located in India and Indonesia. The Company's segments include Automotive Vehicles & Parts, Automotive Components, Financial services and Others. The Company manufactures a range of two-wheelers, starting from mopeds, to scooters, commuter motorcycles, to racing bikes like the TVS Apache series and the TVS Apache RR310. The Company's product categories include motorcycles, scooters, electric scooters, three wheelers and mopeds. Its motorcycle products include TVS Apache, Ronin, Raider, Radeon, Sport and Star City+. Its electric scooter products include TVS iQube and TVS X. The Company's scooter products include Jupiter 110, Ntorq, Zest 110 and Scooty Pep+. Its services include book a service, annual maintenance contract, roadside assistance, TVS genuine parts and Tru4 Oil, TVS consumables and proactive inspection.