

Commercial and Industrial Equipment Rental

Creating working circular solutions in e-store packaging

About us

We offer e-stores and grocery stores with delivery services reusable bags for packaging with all the hustle that comes with it - cleaning, maintaining, quality control, and transport - all this to offer a solution that works for busy commerce businesses.

Commercial and Industrial Equipment Rental
Company size
2-10 employees
Tartu maakond
Privately Held


Employees at Baun


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    🛒 Juulis sai aasta sellest, mil Selver AS e-poe klientidel on tellimust tehes võimalus valida, kas kaup pakitakse kilekotti, paberkotti, pappkasti või riidest rendikotti Baun. Kuidas Baunil päriselt läheb, sellest saab lugeda artiklist. ✨ Olulisemad punktid artiklist: ✨ 🔍 Väljakutse oli selles, kuidas Bauni kliendile nähtavaks teha. E-poest ostes pole kott esimene asi, mida valitakse – pigem satub see ostukorvi automaatse valikuna. Siiski on kottidel kujunenud välja oma kindel kasutajaskond: „Väga suur rõõm on näha, et lõviosa neist, kes algusest peale on Baun kotte katsetanud, tellivad neid jätkuvalt,“ kinnitab Baun OÜ juht Ana Tilkson-Jaansalu. 🏬 Bauni kotte saab rentida ka SELVERi füüsilisest poest. Esialgu oli hirm, kas kotte üldse tähele pannakse, aga õnneks olid päästjateks puldikassad. „Seal on tarbijal oste alustades veidi vabam võtta hetk ja vaadata, mida pakutakse,“ kinnitab Tilkson-Jaansalu. 🔖 Baunid pole bränditud. „Nii saame kasutada samu kotte erinevates poodides ehk maksimeerida iga koti kasutust. Siinkohal oleme SELVERile väga tänulikud – kuna nemad olid esimesena sellise lähenemisega nõus, on ka teised poeketid ideega kaasa tulnud,“ sõnab ettevõtte asutaja. 🏢 Üha enam ärikliente on rendikoti üles leidnud. E-SELVERi juht Erki Koho lisab, et ühes kuus tehakse e-poes 200-250 ostu Baunidesse. „Kasutajaskond on pigem püsiv, lisandunud on ka mitmed erinevad ettevõtted, kes on lahenduse üle väga rõõmsad, sest enam pole kontori prügikastid täis kile- või paberkotte." Koho kasutab rendikotte ka ise algusest saadik: „Ilmselt on inimestel veel psühholoogiline tõrge maksta koti eest 2.50, kuid unustatakse ära, et see summa saadakse tagasi.“ #selver #baun #rendikott #pandikott #keskkonnasõbralikpoekott

    E-Selverist saab tellida kauba koju ka riidest pandikotis

    E-Selverist saab tellida kauba koju ka riidest pandikotis

  • Kuidas Bauni tagastus registreerida? 🛍️✅ Enne pandikoti tagastamist palume Sul koti registreerida - seda selleks, et teaksime, kes koti meile tagastas ning kellele ja kuhu pandiraha tagasi saata. 💰📲 Lisaks aitab koti registreerimine meil kontrollida, mitu korda konkreetne Baun päriselt ringleb. 🔄🛍️ Pandikoti tagastuse jaoks toimi nii: 🔍 Leia koti sisemiselt küljelt sinine silt 📸 Ava oma telefoni kaamera ning skaneeri sildil olev QR kood 📱 Sisesta oma telefoninumber, nõustu tingimustega ning saada endale sisse logimiseks SMS 📝 Lisa SEADED all vajalik info, nt Sinu nimi ja pangakonto number ✅ Kinnita MINU TAGASTUSED alt skaneeritud koti tagastus 🛍️ Kui soovid tagastada mitu kotti, siis skaneeri need ka ühekaupa sisse 🚚 Vali endale sobiv tagastusviis ning tagasta kott Selveri kullerile, Smartpost/Venipak pakiautomaati või Selveri poe infoletti 🔍 Lisainfo: Aitäh, et toetad pakendiringlust! 📸: Emma Jõgiste #baun #pandikott #keskkonnasõbralikpoekott #tagastus #rendikott

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  • 🧐 Kas oled jõudnud pandisüsteemil Baunkotti kasutada? Kuidas oli Sinu kasutajakogemus? Kas oled jõudnud ka tagastamiseni ning kui jah, kuidas oli? 🛍️ Meie kodulehele sai üles tagasisidevorm ja igasugune arvamus on väga oodatud - head sõnad annavad meile hoogu juurde ning kriitika annab võimaluse teenust paremaks muuta 💬🙂 Senikaua aga meenutame kõige olulisemat. Baunkotid on saadaval e-poodidest: 🛍️ Selver AS e-poes 🛍️ Rimi Baltic Group Eesti e-poes Lisaks on Baunkotid Tallinnas kohapeal: 🏢 Stockmann Eesti poes 🛒 Järve Keskuse Selveris 🏙️ Ülemiste City Sepapaja Selveris 📸: Emma Jõgiste #pandikott #baun #rendikott #keskkonnasõbralikpoekott

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  • 🎉 Meil on jagada rõõmusõnumit! Nüüd on pandisüsteemil toimiv Baun saadaval füüsilistest poodidest lisaks Järve keskuse Selverile ja Stockmannile ka Ülemiste City Sepapaja Selveris. ♻️ 👉 Minge uudistama ja kui see on just Sinu kodupood, siis kindlasti proovi pandikott ära. Enam ei pea Ülemistes toidupoes käies muretsema, kui oma kott koju ununeb või kui kõik kaup oma kotti ära ei mahu, sest Baun aitab hädast välja. ♻️ Koti tagastamiseks on vaja skaneerida kotil asuv QR kood ning seejärel viia kott kas: - Selver AS infoletti, 🏪 - anda kullerile, 🚚 - tagastada Itella Estonia või Venipak automaadi kaudu. 📦 Kohe, kui kott on meieni jõudnud, tagastame sulle pandisumma. 💸 Osta, kasuta ja tagasta! ♻️ #Baun #pandikott #keskkonnasõbralikpoekott #jätkusuutlik #selver

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  • 🗓️ Juunikuu alguses oli Baunil au osaleda Tartumaa suurimal ringmajanduse teemalisel üritusel, mida korraldasid DD, Tartu linn, Tartumaa Omavalitsuste Liit ja Civitta Estonia. 💚 Üritust korraldati Interreg “We Make Transition” projekti raames, et toetada siirdeareeni protsessiga Tartumaa ringmajanduse teekaardi sündimist ja elluviimist. 🌍✨ 👩💼 Bauni asutaja Ana Jaansalu rääkis oma ettevõtte lugu, alustades esimesest suurkliendist Selver AS, kelle e-poodi Eesti esimesed pandisüsteemil kotid kõigepealt maandusid. Oma kahes pikkuses sangade, 16-st vanast pudelist tehtud tugeva RPET materjali ja suure mahutavusega on need nüüd nii toidupoekullerite 🚚 kui poekülastajate 🛒 lemmikud ja oleme samm-sammul laienenud Rimi Baltic Group e-poodi, Järve keskuse Selverisse ja Stockmanni. 🥳 🔄 Tagastuse osas on aga lisaks toidupoe kullerile tekkinud valikusse ka Itella Estonia 📦 ja Venipak 🚛. 🌟 Kas oled juba meie kotte saanud proovida ja katsetada? 💭 📸: Karl Erik Piiriisik 

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  • Have you ever had it happen that, on your way home from the store, you discover that your plastic bag is so broken that things are about to fall out? 🤦♂️🏠 Or, for instance, has a food delivery service brought your food in a broken plastic bag? 🔍🛍️ In March, Postimees Grupp conducted a test to assess the durability of plastic bags. By the way, the entire article is very well and humorously written by Krister Kivi. The test results showed that the strongest bags were from Stockmann Eesti. 💪 😇We are proud to be mentioned in this article as an environmentally friendly alternative to single-use and fragile plastic bags. We have also discovered that plastic shopping bags (and paper bags in rainy weather) can be an expensive and unreliable choice. 💸🙅♂️ The Baun system-based bag is made from durable rPET textile from 16 PET bottles and can be used 200 times. 🛍️♻️ You can have your purchases packed in a Baun bag: ♻️ At Stockmann Eesti store, ♻️ In Selver AS online store, ♻️ At Järve Selver, ♻️ In RIMI EESTI FOOD AS online store. ✨ #baun #depositbag #environmentallyfriendlybag #durablebag

    Kilekott – kallis ja ebausaldusväärne juhusuhe

    Kilekott – kallis ja ebausaldusväärne juhusuhe

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    Hey! I'm Ana 👋 📍 What did you do before joining Bauni? I worked in the sales department at Äripäev, focusing on B2B. Essentially, I found suitable marketing opportunities for clients and also managed projects as a project manager. In this role, I learned a lot, especially about sales - how to sell real solutions to real problems, not just something purely for the sake of making money. 📍 Why are you here? Honestly, I'm here, surrounded by reusable bags, because around the time of Covid, grocery store online orders were picking up momentum. I started cleaning my kitchen out of boredom at home, and that huge pile of plastic and paper bags honestly drove me crazy. Back then, I cursed that there was no alternative to ordering with a courier, and even when I went to the store, the textile bag would just be forgotten at home. It shouldn't be so difficult to simply provide cloth bags at the store and offer them on a deposit basis, like Limpa bottles. You use them, bring them back, and voilà, you get your deposit back. For many years, I waited for someone to come up with this solution until I ended up applying to the Negavatt competition with this idea, nudged by my spouse. When I actually started analyzing the idea, it turned out that the idea actually had potential, and so step by step, I have been moving towards my simple-like-Limpa-bottle vision, and once the start was made, I have to go with this idea to the end 🙂 📍 What does your work process look like? It's completely different from what I initially thought when I had the idea. It might seem really simple, just putting out cloth bags, but the reality is quite different - at home, I joke that I act like a firefighter and a builder, extinguishing fires day in and day out. My workday starts similarly every day - I review customer concerns and assist them, communicate with team members, and keep myself informed about their activities. However, the majority of the time and resources are taken up by the challenges of every starting entrepreneur - thinking about how to improve processes from our perspective as well as from the perspective of customer experience, how to get new companies to offer our bags, how to improve and make the return network more accessible, and of course, how to get people to use our bags. 📍 If you were a cartoon character, who would you be? Fiona, definitely 🙂 📍 If you were an inventor, what would you invent in today's world? I would invent single-colored socks that never break and never disappear. So much time is wasted just chasing after those socks that mysteriously vanish in the washing machine. PS! The picture was taken during the 2023 Ajujaht filming day, where Baun made it to the top 9. Greetings to all Ajujaht participants! 😘 #baun #team #startup #depositbag #ajujaht #negavatt

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  • 🌟✨🚀 Did you know that the company Baun operates in one of the most beautiful places in Estonia called Peipsiääre municipality? Baun's creator, Ana Jaansalu, spoke to the local newspaper in more detail about the company's activities, new directions, and future dreams. Many thanks to Peipsiääre Teataja and Kadri Külaots for the wonderful interview! 📰🔍The full article is readable in the March issue of the digital newspaper: #baun #pandikott #peipsiäärevald #peipsiääreteataja

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    🌟 Exciting News from Baun! 🌟 8 months ago, we shared our excitement about being able to order everything you need from e-Selver AS with our eco-friendly Baun textile bag! 🛒 Now, we're thrilled to announce even more progress: Baun bags are hitting the shelves of a real store! 🎉 Starting from March 14th, 2024, you can find Baun bags at Tallinn's Järve Selver - the perfect solution for those times when you forget your bag at home! 😊 While this option is currently available in just one store, it marks a significant step forward for Baun. We're expanding beyond online services, with hopes of seeing our grey bags in more store chains across Estonia soon! 🌟 By choosing Baun, you're not only reducing single-use plastic and paper waste but also saving money for better purposes. 💰 Our bags, made from 16 old plastic bottles, operate on a deposit system, and each comes with a unique QR code for easy registration and return. 🔄 Let's work together to make a positive impact on our planet, one reusable bag at a time! 🌍 Baun's journey began in 2022 at the idea competition Negavatt, where we reached the finals. In 2023, we participated in the Ajujaht accelerator program, making it to the top 9. Today, we're proud to offer rPET textile bags that are not only sustainable, but also convenient and accessible. Join us in building a greener, cleaner future with Baun! 💚 #Sustainability #ReusableBags #EcoFriendly #Baun #PositiveImpact

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