🌍 Exciting News: Meet Estonia’s New European Climate Pact Ambassador – Heidi Solba! 🌿🚀 Heidi Solba is a leader who turns vision into action! With creativity, open-mindedness, and clear communication, she believes that real change happens when people come together. Her work across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors has shaped her into an expert in social change and leadership. 🌍 Global Impact: As the President of World Cleanup Day Official, Heidi coordinates activities in 164 countries, uniting millions in the fight against waste. This role has given her invaluable experience in global activism, leadership, cultural diversity, and mobilization. 🤝 Collaboration for Change: With Heidi stepping in as a European Climate Pact Ambassador, the Let’s Do It World movement has also become an official partner of the European Climate Pact! This partnership opens doors to greater collaboration, systemic impact, and meaningful change. ✨ "Lead the change you want to see!" – Heidi’s motto reflects her unwavering commitment to making a difference. Let’s celebrate this achievement and look forward to the incredible impact ahead! 🌍💚 #EUClimatePact #Leadership #Sustainability #WorldCleanupDay #Impact
Eesti Roheline Liikumine / Estonian Green Movement-FoE
Environmental Services
Tartu, Tartumaa 88 followers
Non-profit environmental association since 1988
About us
Topics: environmental protection | urban environment | consumption | environmental policy | energy | climate change
- Website
External link for Eesti Roheline Liikumine / Estonian Green Movement-FoE
- Industry
- Environmental Services
- Company size
- 2-10 employees
- Headquarters
- Tartu, Tartumaa
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 1988
Tiigi 8
Tartu, Tartumaa 51003, EE
Meet the EU Climate Pact Ambassadors 🇪🇺 Katarina Papp is an active advocate for circular economy and environmental education. As a champion of environmental awareness, her key focus areas include circular economy ♻️, education and training, and raising public awareness. 🔎 Katarina is a circular economy expert at the Tallinn Strategy Center, where she helps steer the city towards more sustainable solutions. As a former Montessori educator, she has a deep passion for environmental education—both for children and adults. Recently, Katarina collaborated with the Tagasi Kooli team to create an e-learning video titled "Is Cheaper Always Better?". Be sure to check it out! 👇 🔗 https://lnkd.in/dpEvD8GX To draw attention to the issue of single-use products, she launched the traveling exhibition "Lets`s go to Zero!", which will reach the UN headquarters in New York this February. Katarina believes that the average consumer must be aware of environmental issues in order to demand systemic change and build a better future. 🌱 Truly inspiring initiatives! Welcome to the Climate Pact Ambassador community—we're excited to see what Katarina does next! #EUClimateAction #EUClimatePact
ERLi huvikaitsjad Carmen Kilvits ja Kertu Laherand kirjutasid ERRis värskelt valminud Ida-Virumaa kogukonnaenergeetika teostatavusuuringu tulemustest. Mis on peamised barjäärid ning võimalused kogukonnaenergeetika arenguks maakonnas, mis seisab täna silmitsi oluliste majanduslike, sotsiaalsete ja keskkonnaalaste väljakutsetega? Millised peaksid olema järgmised sammud selleks, et valdkond tõeliselt areneks? Täispika uuringuga on võimalik tutvuda siin: https://lnkd.in/dSxzh7CK
Kutsume kõiki energeetika ja Ida-Virumaa tuleviku huvilisi osalema üritusel “Kogukonnaenergeetika teostatavus ja tulevik Ida-Virumaal” ⚡️ Miks tulla? 🤔 👉 Tutvustame vastvalminud teostatavusuuringut, mis käsitleb kogukonnaenergeetika majanduslikku, geograafilist ja sotsiaalset potentsiaali Ida-Virumaal aastani 2035. Uuringu viis läbi Virumaa Innovation Centre of Digitalization and Green Technologies - VIDRIK Eesti Rohelise Liikumise tellimusel. Tutvu uuringuga Eesti Rohelise Liikumise kodulehel 💻 👉 Võimalus jagada oma ideid ja panustada Ida-Virumaa kogukonnaenergeetika tuleviku kujundamisse. 👉 Koos kaardistame järgmisi samme, mis aitavad uuringus tehtud ettepanekuid ellu viia. Üritusel osalemine on tasuta, kuid vajalik on eelregistreerimine ✏️ https://lnkd.in/dn8fTESH Rohkem infot meie kodulehel: https://lnkd.in/d2GUzpyi Kohtumiseni Virumaa Kolledžis! 👋
Citizens and NGOs play a vital role in identifying and stopping harmful projects. But challenges like insufficient evidence and unclear processes often stand in the way. Our harmful project documenting tool simplifies this: 🔍 Quickly evaluate potential environmental harm 📝 Gather evidence to support action 🚦 Identify the best path forward By preventing harm and ensuring better use of EU funding, we can protect biodiversity and create a more sustainable future. Our harmful project documenting tool 👉 https://lnkd.in/dXHkzz8y
⚙️ [New tool] #Biodiversity in Europe is rapidly declining, making it more important than ever to focus on nature protection and restoration while halting harmful projects. 🍃 We often become aware of projects planned for our localities that pose a risk to #nature. But how can we stop them? By identifying and reporting these projects. In doing so, we can all act as watchdogs and help prevent future harm. That’s why we’ve created a harmful project documenting tool designed to help you collect important information. If you become aware of a nature-damaging project, you can now: 💠 read our step-by-step guide; 💠 download our harmful project documenting tool to help you gather crucial information; 💠 connect with other individuals or groups that share similar concerns; and plan your next steps. 🖇️ Discover our new harmful project documenting tool and act #ForNature: https://lnkd.in/dXHkzz8y
🎥 We're excited to share our new video titled “From ruin to renewal: Restoring Kurtna's lakes” 💧 The video showcases the restoration efforts of the unique Kurtna Lake district, which has been damaged by oil shale mining. This area is home to rare, nutrient-poor, clear-water lakes that are unique within the European Union. 🌱 A healthy natural environment is an essential part of the just transition. We must keep the Just Transition Fund in the next EU budget to restore Ida-Virumaa's environment and create a future where nature and community thrive together. 🎞️ Watch the full video on our Youtube channel:
Rüvetatud kaunis maa: Kurtna järvestiku taastamine
Tõsta käsi, kui soovid, et rohkem inimesi mõistaks keskkonnaküsimuste olulisust ning sooviksid näha aktiivsemat õiges suunas tegutsemist ✋ Kliimapakti saadikuks kandideerimine on alanud – tule ja liitu ägeda kogukonnaga, mis just selle nimel tegutsebki! Kliimapakti saadikuna: ✨ Inspireerid teisi kliimamuutuste vastu võitlema 🤝 Lood sidemeid ja teed koostööd teiste sarnaselt mõtlevate inimestega üle Euroopa 💡 Aitad leida lahendusi Alati positiivse ja särasilmse Euroopa Kliimapakti saadiku Hanah Lahe sõnul algab kliimamuutustega võitlemine kogukonnatundest. Kas trehvasid nägema või külastama septembris Hanahi parklaparki Riigikogu ees? 🌳 Kandideeri saadikuks ja teeme koos samasuguseid toredaid ideid teoks 👉 https://lnkd.in/eF65H9rh Kandideerimise tähtaeg: 31. oktoober. #MyWorldOurPlanet
✏ On September 6th, Station Narva hosted a workshop on future scenarios "New horizons: preferred futures of Ida-Viru County", conducted by Johanna Vallistu (Estonian Institute for Futures Studies ETUI) and Eesti Roheline Liikumine / Estonian Green Movement-FoE. 🧊 The focus of the workshop was on the Causal Layered Analysis (CLA) method, which helped participants to discuss sustainable development issues in Ida-Viru County and to develop visions for the future of the region. The method focuses on finding positive metaphors for the future that resonate with the participants, rather than just focusing on finding solutions to today's problems. Discussions focused on six key areas from where to find solutions to major challenges and to identify new opportunities. We have published a summary of the themes of the debate as reflected in the different discussion groups on the EGM website which you can find here (EST)👇 https://lnkd.in/dDk4ufE5
ERL pakub tööd energiasiirde huvikaitseeksperdile ✏ 🔎 Otsime oma CEE Bankwatchi töörühma energiasiirde huvikaitseeksperti, kes seiraks eurofondide kasutamist Eestis rohepöörde rakendamise kontekstis. 👩💻 Töö on mitmekülgne ja parajalt väljakutsuv, hõlmates huvikaitsekohtumisi, strateegiliste dokumentide tagasisidestamist, sõnavõtte meedias, koostööd erinevate huvirühmadega ja projektist tulenevate ürituste korraldamist. Igapäevaelu lahutamatuks osaks on suhtlus riigiasutuste, kohalike omavalitsuste, ELi ametnike, vabaühenduste, meedia ja teiste partneritega, seda nii koalitsioonide loomise kui ka huvikaitsetegevuste koordineerimise eesmärgil. ▪ Töökoormus: 0.8 ▪ Tööleasumise aeg: 01.11.2024 ▪ Töötasu: sõltuvalt töökogemusest alates 1700 € kuus (bruto) Rohkem infot leiad ERLi kodulehelt: https://lnkd.in/dyJfNYfr 👈
💡 Why is it important to engage in discussions about energy communities in Estonia? What are the social, environmental and economic benefits of having more energy cooperatives in our society? 🎞 The recording of the discussion on community energy, held in Paide during the annual Opinion Festival / Arvamusfestival, is now up on our Youtube page. Take a listen to the session where in addition to tackling these questions we identified the main obstacles to the emergence of renewable energy communities, map the key steps to accelerate their deployment, as well as offer practical ideas and inspiration from the example of an existing energy cooperative in Italy. The panel is moderated by Karin Kruup (Good Deed Foundation), panelists are: 🎤 Joosep V. (CEO at Energiaühistu) 🎤 Märt Masso (expert at The Foresight Centre) 🎤 Anelia Stefanova (CEE Bankwatch, member of an energy cooperative in Collevecchio, Italy) 👏 We thank all of you who joined us on stage and in the audience!
Arvamusfestival 2024: Democratising energy – awareness to action