Palju õnne Harju Elekter Estonia aasta ettevõtte ja tööstuse digitaliseerija tiitli puhul!🏆 Meil on suur au teha koostööd niivõrd pühendunud ja tunnustatud ettevõttega, kes jagab meiega ühist visiooni. Aitäh, et olete juba 8 aastat olnud meie kuldsponsor – Teie toetus on meie teekonnal hindamatu!
FS Team Tallinn
Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
Tallinn, Harjumaa 636 followers
Each year university students design and build new formula car and compete at Formula Student design competitions.
About us
Formula Student Team Tallinn is a joint team of Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University of Applied Sciences. Our team consists of 91 young and ambitious engineers! Each year we design and construct a new FEST (Formula Estonia) formula car to participate at Formula Student competitions held around the world, competing with hundreds of university teams. The team started developing combustion formula cars in 2006 and from 2013 onwards our cars have been powered by electric motors. From 2019 to 2022 we also developed our FEST18 car to be driverless. Since then we have taken a step forward and this year for the second time are developing a formula car that can drive both with a driver and by itself.
- Website
External link for FS Team Tallinn
- Industry
- Motor Vehicle Manufacturing
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Tallinn, Harjumaa
- Type
- Nonprofit
- Founded
- 2006
- Specialties
- Composites Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Suspension Engineering, Graphical Design, CATIA Engineering, Aerodynamics Engineering, and Social Media Marketing
Pärnu mnt 62
Tallinn, Harjumaa 10135, EE
Employees at FS Team Tallinn
Formula Student Austria Overall Winner! 🏆 We are thrilled to announce that the Formula Student Team Tallinn has clinched the number one spot amidst fierce competition! Formula Student Austria marks the second competition of the 2024 season. Our team faced their first challenge in the Netherlands, showing promising results, but a technical issue in the endurance race landed us in eighth place overall. Thanks to excellent preparation, we were the only team to pass all scrutineering on the second day, allowing us to advance to the dynamic events. In the acceleration and skidpad events, we secured fifth place, just 0.236s and 0.107s away from first place respectively. Such tiny margins meant not many points were lost, making the remaining events crucial for the overall standings. We were satisfied with our performance in these events. Reliability is key in prototype formulas, especially since the endurance race offers the most points. Without a strong endurance performance, there's no chance of a podium finish overall. The race covers 22 km, with a driver change at halfway. Before the endurance race, six teams had a chance to win it all with a good performance. FEST24 and our first driver delivered a smooth and stable ride. The 5th lap time was the best of the day, with a lead of 0.849s. The overall standings were very tight among the remaining teams. The world's fastest formula car on the track is made by Estonian engineers! FS Team Tallinn finished with a total time of 19 minutes and 36 seconds, with an average lap time over 2 seconds faster than any other team. This earned us first place in both the endurance race and the overall standings!🥇 Thank you to all the sponsors! Without you, it wouldn't have been possible! 📷: Formula Student Austria #formulastudent #teamtallinn
Tudengivormeli esmaesitlus Vabaduse väljakul! Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli ja Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkooli tudengitest koosnev meeskond esitleb au ja uhkusega uut isejuhtivat elektrivormelit. Kohapeal on võimalik näha meeskonna telgitagustesse, kuidas projekteeritakse ja ehitatakse nullist vormel kõigest 9 kuuga ning millised on uue vormeli edasiarendused. Loomulikult näeb vormelit ringi kihutamas nii juhiga kui juhita. 🗓️ Kuupäev: 5. juuni 2024 📌 Asukoht: Vabaduse väljak, Tallinn ⏰ Aeg: 12:00-14:00 Ainulaadne võimalus tutvuda Eesti tudengite kätetööga. Kohtume Vabaduse väljakul 5.06! Vaata täpsemalt:
FS Team Tallinn reposted this
For eight years, Milrem Robotics has sponsored FS Team Tallinn on its journey worldwide. Each year, this joint team of students from the Tallinn University of Technology and Tallinn University of Applied Sciences design and construct a new formula car to participate in Formula Student competitions held around the world, competing with hundreds of university teams. In 2024, we are their main sponsor, with them on their way to victory in competitions in the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy and Germany. About 20 of the team’s veterans currently work in Milrem Robotics in different fields. The latest to join the company was Tõnis Tokman who was in the student formula team for three seasons, in 2015-2018. Tõnis shares that, besides practical skills, the student team has given him good problem-solving skills. "The fast work pace of the team ensures a situation where the most important thing is to focus on solutions. This way of thinking gives a strong advantage in problem-solving," he said. Read further (in Estonian):
Selleks, et meie vormelauto sõidaks töökindlalt ja tõhusalt, on vaja kvaliteetset juhtmestust. Tänu Phoenix Contactle suudab meie elektroonika alammeeskond pidevalt toota väljapaistvaid elektroonilisi lahendusi, kasutades nende poolt pakutavaid kvaliteetseid tööriistu ja juhtmestust. Suur tänu koostöö eest! – In order for our formula car to drive reliably and efficiently, it requires a high quality wiring harness. Thanks to Phoenix Contact, our electronics subteam is able to consistently produce outstanding electronic solutions with the high-quality tools and wiring provided by them. We’re thrilled about the partnerships that lie ahead, thank you for the collaboration! #formulastudent #fsteamtallinn
Meeskonna kapten Kristjan Taimla ja isejuhtiva alammeeskonna kapten Anna Sihvart käisid Algorütmi podcastis rääkimas tudengivormeli suurematest arengutest ning üldisest elust ja olust. Kuula üle!⬇️ #formulastudent #fsteamtallinn
30.11 Algorütm: Kuidas Tudengivormeli tiimil läheb