The Nature Fund

The Nature Fund

Environmental Services

People and nature in harmony

About us

The Nature Fund supports private persons and organizations to find a common path in nature care.

Environmental Services
Company size
11-50 employees



  • Truly happy about the initiative, where we have stood behind from the very beginning of Jaan Sepping`s journey. He saw landowners as friends and partners, even more - he sees us, landowners, as solution providers not merely a tool towards his personal net gain. Partnerships that are based on mutual trust, respect and freedom are more likely to succeed. Partnerships where one doesnt`t think he is superior and better understands the future, has better drive. Ecobase.Earth from landowners eyes: - I can jump into the project for free. - My project starts to tick-tock credits when I have afforestated a land. - There are rules, but I can meet them, as they dont bring along hidden future restrictions. - I can deside if, when, where, whome and through whome I will sell those credits. #generationrestoration #sequestration #hwp

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    Exciting news! Ecobase’s pan-European afforestation project has been officially registered by Verra. Becoming the first pan-European forestry project to be registered on the certified voluntary carbon market marks a significant milestone for us and all European landowners. After three years of dedicated work to secure registration with Verra, we're excited about the possibilities ahead as we expand our reach and continue working closely with landowners to build resilient forests, support biodiversity, and drive sustainable, profitable land use across the continent! For more details, please read the full press release here: #Ecobase #Verra #Afforestation #SustainableForests #LULUCF #EUCarbonRemoval #VCM #AENOR

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  • Ain Näkk and Airiin Vaasa were exploring and evaluating existing market-based instruments across Europe for socially optimal forest ecosystem services (FES) provision. Engaging with the project’s potential end-users via its stakeholder forum, the INTERCEDE will highlight market-based instruments that are adaptable, scalable, and effective in promoting FES. These market-based instruments should support forest and land owners and small- and medium- enterprises to create financially viable and socially beneficial solutions for both forest owners and the broader community. #equality #noonesleftbehind #incentives #landowners

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    It’s a wrap! The 1st INTERCEDE project Transdisciplinary Forum has been intense, informative, and insightful, but most of all collaborative and thought provoking, answering lots of questions but posing many more! Partner presentations & dynamic group work covered the main topics we’re tackling in #INTERCEDE: 🌳 Mapping case studies on #MBI and #PES 🦋 Measuring and evaluating #conservation Impact 🌱 Bridging academic and stakeholder insights on #environmental markets 💧 Supply & demand of #forest #ecosystem services 🍄 Co-designing (starting off!) a practical decision support tool for #FES 🌲 Designing effective PES for future provision and #financing 👏 With many thanks to our #stakeholders from practice, policy, certification schemes, science & business who gave their time and shared their ideas so generously. It’s been a great pleasure working with you 💚 and we look forward to continued #collaboration on advancing and valuing forest ecosystem services in Europe! 📢 And now! Stay in touch with all INTERCEDE news via our website: 💒 and watch out for our first project newsletter, coming soon! 👉 Sign up now and receive it straight to your inbox!📩 The TDF was designed and moderated by Prospex Institute vzw, INTERCEDE is coordinated by Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, with European Forest Institute | Wageningen University & Research | KU Leuven | Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya | Università degli Studi di Padova | Etifor | Valuing Nature | Fachhochschule Eberswalde | Universitatea „Ștefan cel Mare” din Suceava | Land Life | WWF Bulgaria | European Landowners' Organization

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  • Sometimes stars align and there opens an opportunity to cowork within innovative European partners for common good. Thank you Forestry France for all the hard work we have had so far already. Towards biodiversity certification and nature credits At COP 16, the EU presented its exploratory works on the potential and challenges of biodiversity certification and nature credits, as part of the innovative finance instruments toolbox for broadening sources of funding to mobilise resources, help companies set nature-positive goals, and reward those who protect and restore nature, including farmers, foresters, fishers, and other sea- and land managers as well as IPLCs. EU exploratory works include two pilot projects, one on wetlands in partnership with France and one on private forests in partnership with Estonia, as well as a project in the Peruvian Amazon.

    COP16: EU delivers on global financing commitments to protect nature

    COP16: EU delivers on global financing commitments to protect nature

  • We helped landowner to find rewilding solutions for 10 solar panel parks. Our nature theme manager Ain Näkk has been leading this project for a year now and was working behind the scenes to find scientists, partners, solutions for the best results. #generationrestoration #rewilding #mitigation #solar

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    Kas teadsid, et päikseparkides saab kasvatada mustikaid? 🌞 Augustis käisime koos ETV Osooni saategrupiga uudistamas meie Voldi ja Ruusa päikeseparkides, et anda ülevaade meie elurikkuse projektidest ja näidata, kuidas energiatootmine ja loodus saavad koos toimida. Eile jõudis saade eetrisse ja kõigile järelvaadatav siit: Täna on meie fookused järgmised: 🌿 Elurikkuse edendamine: Koostöös Loodushoiu Fondiga /The Nature Fund/ oleme kaardistanud ära oma pargid ning leidnud võimalused erinevateks väljunditeks, mida allpool ka kirjeldame. Suur tänu viljaka koostöö eest, Ain Näkk ja Pille Ligi. 🐑 Keskkonnasõbralikud muruniidukid: Seitsmes päikesepargis aitavad meid nüüd lambad, kes katavad 44% meie töötavatest parkidest. See on win-win lahendus mõlemale osapoolele – lambad saavad päikeseparkides varju ja turvalisema elupaiga ning meie saame muru niidetud. 📊 Teaduskoostöö: Koostöös Tartu Ülikooli teadlase Jaan Liira oleme teostanud maastiku kaardistamise ja koostanud tegevusplaani Voldi ja Kärkna parkides. 🌱 Elupaigad elusloodusele: Voldi parki oleme istutanud ligi 100 mustikataime ning paigaldanud kivikuhjasid ja puuhunnikuid, et toetada kohalikke roomajaid ja putukaid. 👨👩👧👦 Istutamise perepäevad: Istutamise perepäevadel saavad meie töötajad ja nende pered panustada elurikkuse edendamisse ja elupaikade rajamisse päikeseparkides. Täna oleme õppimise faasis, katsetades erinevaid lähenemisviise, et muuta päikesepargid veelgi loodussõbralikumaks. Meie visioon? Tulevased pargid, kus on planeeritud taimealad, vähendatud niitmiskohad, tolmeldamist toetavad taimed ja loomulikult ka lambakasvatus! 🌞 #Osoon #Taastuvenergia #Elurikkus #Päikeseenergia #KCEnergy #Looduskaitse #LoodushoiuFond #Combiwood #Kaamos #Rohetiiger

    • ETV saate Osoon külastus päikseparki
  • Estonian landowners co-operation conservation was invited to Eurosite to discuss on new forms of partnerships and cooperation that are a prerequisite. How do you learn from each other, which mentor systems find the right language, and which tools work as incentives for farmers, private landowners and local communities? Eurosite is the network of landowners and conservationists protecting and restoring private land for nature and the climate in Europe Key takeways from landowners perspective: ⚖️ One can not have all good things at once. -> To have grouse population high in UK, you reduce the number of forested hectars and catch the small predators. -> To solve the water contamination problem of old lead quarry, one needs to bind the earth, create the soil and regreen, but cant probably control the birds eating the insects that are on those restored areas. -> In order to maintain the long term management possibilities, it is needed to make compromises in short-term profit. 🌄  Landowners presentations ecoed similar things - -> No urge to notify authoroties of special species, as I will end up losing my rights to my land. -> Peer-to-peer learning that is lead by landowners organisations is one of the key aspects. Other way the mistrust is too big. -> Landowners are part of solution, not anti-nature. 🍁 SER presentation confirmed our understanding of the EU policy requirements: -> it is 20% not 30% and it is 1/3 of this 20% under strict protection. Favourable conservation status (Habitats directive) means on national level conservation objectives. Not on stand level. -> It is not the same as a "good condition habitat type" that is measured on site level. -> No significant deterioration of areas in good conditions or areas subject to restoration measures means on site level, the structure, fundtions and typical species or typical species composition of a habitat tyle remain stable or show continuous improvemnt. And it means we commitment is effort-based, not result based. #WeActForBiodiversity #landowners #ourlandournature #restorationdecade #eurosite

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  • Because we act for biodiversity! Ain Näkk, working with our partners on solar panel fields for rewilding and increasing biodiresty as well for the simple multiuse of lands. #wildlifeestates #private #ownership #rewilding #handinhand #naturecapital and #capitalfornature

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    Surprise in the fifth picture! 💛 🚨Announcement!🚨 The sheep living in KC Energy's solar parks will soon be on Estonian Television (ETV). 🐑 🎥 The sheep have been able to spend the entire summer season in seven KC Energy solar parks across Estonia. ☀️ KC Energy was visited by the crew of the nature and environment programme „Osoon“. The legendary show has been on ETV since 1993.  The show will air in two months, by which time the sheep season will be over in the KC Energy parks. 🍂 We will keep you updated on how the summer season ends for our sheep and also when the „Osoon“ show will be on the air.

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  • European Landowners' Organization organized annual Wildlife Estates Label meeting in Netherlands. As Estonian Wildlife Estates label managers we had an honour to participate and learn from two private nature conservation label holders. Landgoed Middachten wowed us with their continuous and constant work in water circulation restoration and weasel conservation works: De Hoge Veluwe National Park that is a privately-owned land and an independent Foundation showed an examples of restoration and rewilding activities carried out on app. 6000 hectars. With semi-natural habitats maintenece with mouflon who, being near extinct themselves, have been massacared by pack of wolves, whom park owner is not allowed to resettle. Exceptional work is being done with keeping the sand drift areas as they are. As conservationalist said: we are basically stopping the biological processes in order to hold the place for higher biodiversity,

    De Hoge Veluwe National Park

    De Hoge Veluwe National Park

  • Loodushoiu Fond püüab end kursis hoida nii rahvusvahelisel süsiniku kui elurikkuse krediitide turul toimuvaga, ilma oma ala tõeliste ekspertideta Dr Annela Anger-Kraavi ja Hardo Beckerita oleksime väga suures hädas. Fondil endal on kogu kolme tegutsemisaasta jooksul olnud nii palju tarvis selgitada, parandada, korrigeerida süsinikuturu kohta edastatavat infot. Paradoksaalsel kombel alates Kliimaministeeriumi kliimaosakonnast ja lõpetades Investeeri ajakirjas olnud ekspertarvamusega. Koos saame targemaks. Õnneks on leidnud meieni tee nii Eesti Politsei kui eri ajakirjanikud, kes tõesti teemast aru saada püüavad! Siin on väga kasulik ja ülilühike raport, mis aitab mõista nn süsinikuturge.

  • On July 4-5, we met to discuss how to deliver the training for landowners and their trainers on topics such as sustainable ethical management, wildlife estates, nature restoration, rewilding and climate fluctuation patterns in agriculture and forestry. 🌾 We started the WESEM project in January '24 and since then we have already made significant steps - we have developed a methodology on the basis of which we will create training content aimed at farmers, agricultural advisors and landowners. 🌾The Nature Fund has designed ecological restoration microcurricula besides the vocational education modules that we shall create. @the_nature_fund #EUproject #EUfunded #Luua Forestry School #TheNatureFund #OnProjects #ELO

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  • Ibeeria ilvese taastumise lugu on hea näide mr Ortiz sõnul sellest, kuidas pühendunud koostöö avaliku sektori asutuste, teadusasutuste, valitsusväliste organisatsioonide, eraettevõtete ja kogukonnaliikmete, sealhulgas kohalike maaomanike, põllumajandustootjate, ulukipidajate ja jahimeeste vahel toob tulemusi. ELi rahastatud LIFE Lynx-Connect tulemused on võimalikud siis, kui pööratakse tähelepanu põhjuslikele seostele, mitte autokorrelatsioonile. Üks ibeeria ilvese taastumise võti on olnud tähelepanu pööramine küülikute populatsioonile, mida olid mõjutanud muutused põllumajandustootmises. Jäneste arvukuse taastumine on toonud kaasa ilveste populatsiooni pideva kasvu. Kas teeks sama Eestis metsise ja teiste maaspesitsevate lindudega? Kütiks vahelduseks metssigasid ja eriti väikekiskjaid?

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    Good news! The Iberian Lynx has improved from Endangered to Vulnerable on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Thanks to dedicated conservation efforts, the population has surged from just 62 mature individuals in 2001 to 648 in 2022, marking a significant step forward in its recovery from near extinction. Find out more about this #GenerationRestoration success story:

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