Truly happy about the initiative, where we have stood behind from the very beginning of Jaan Sepping`s journey. He saw landowners as friends and partners, even more - he sees us, landowners, as solution providers not merely a tool towards his personal net gain. Partnerships that are based on mutual trust, respect and freedom are more likely to succeed. Partnerships where one doesnt`t think he is superior and better understands the future, has better drive. Ecobase.Earth from landowners eyes: - I can jump into the project for free. - My project starts to tick-tock credits when I have afforestated a land. - There are rules, but I can meet them, as they dont bring along hidden future restrictions. - I can deside if, when, where, whome and through whome I will sell those credits. #generationrestoration #sequestration #hwp
Exciting news! Ecobase’s pan-European afforestation project has been officially registered by Verra. Becoming the first pan-European forestry project to be registered on the certified voluntary carbon market marks a significant milestone for us and all European landowners. After three years of dedicated work to secure registration with Verra, we're excited about the possibilities ahead as we expand our reach and continue working closely with landowners to build resilient forests, support biodiversity, and drive sustainable, profitable land use across the continent! For more details, please read the full press release here: #Ecobase #Verra #Afforestation #SustainableForests #LULUCF #EUCarbonRemoval #VCM #AENOR