صورة غلاف ‏VeryNile‏‏


الخدمات البيئية

‏Haret Rabaah‏، ‏Al Jizah‏ ‏٣٬٥٠٤‏ ‏متابع‏

VeryNile is the very first ongoing initiative to clean the Nile in Cairo, Egypt.

نبذة عنا

The Nile is one of 10 rivers that contribute 90% of the garbage in the world's oceans! VeryNile is the first ongoing initiative to clean the Nile in Egypt! We're expanding our impact and we have no plans to stop. Join us!

الموقع الإلكتروني
المجال المهني
الخدمات البيئية
حجم الشركة
٥١ - ٢٠٠ من الموظفين
المقر الرئيسي
Haret Rabaah, Al Jizah
تم التأسيس
Recycling Plastic، Plastic Pollution Awareness، Community Engagement، و Upcycling Plastic bags

المواقع الجغرافية

موظفين في VeryNile


  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    The #media were absolute heroes in amplifying our awareness message of how heavily the #Nile is polluted and asked the public to be mindful of their single-use plastic consumption. The interviews were an opportunity to showcase our process that respects the longevity of #plastic and why we recycle it to long-life products, spotting the light on the low-value plastic and how we deal with it as an alternative for fuel in specialized facilities. As we've been regularly cleaning the Nile for 5 years, we’re sure of the fact that small consistent all-year clean-ups amount to more than a single-day mega cleanup… We showcased this by building a giant Giza-like #plastic_pyramid with over 250K compressed #plastic_bottles collected in less than 45 days by 60 fishermen whose income was affected by water pollution. #Nile #PlasticPollution #SingleUsePlastic #RiverCleanUp #RegulateSingleUse #VeryNile #TVCoverage

  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    Big News! We Signed a Protocol with the Ministry of Environment! 🤩🌍🇪🇬 During her visit to VeryNile’s hub in Qursaya, Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Egypt’s Minister of Environment, expressed her support for our mission of cleaning the Nile daily and empowering the local community to take ownership of solving environmental challenges. 💫🌊 Together, we signed a new protocol ensuring continuous support for cleanups, waste management & environmental awareness. Dr. Yasmine even joined our cleanup, collecting plastic from the Nile herself! ♻️👏 We also celebrated our fishermen, plastic operators, and artisans at @VeryNile.Shop, recognizing their dedication with appreciation certificates. All of us at VeryNile are grateful for the visit & the support which will enable us to continue cleaning the Nile every single day, many hands at a time! 🙏🏼 كل يوم بناخد خطوات صغيرة أو كبيرة عشان نكمل مشوارنا الطويل في تنضيف النيل، الاسبوع دا بنحتفل بخطوة كبيرة و مهمة بالنسبة لفريق فيري نايل في قُرصاية و بُصرة! 🌟 خلال زيارتها لمقر فيري نايل في جزيرة القرصاية، وزيرة البيئة د. ياسمين فؤاد أكدت دعمها لمهمتنا في تنظيف النيل بشكل يومي وتمكين المجتمع المحلي لحل مشاكل التلوث !!  وقعنا مع الوزارة بروتوكول تعاون يضمن استمرار دعمها لحملات التنظيف، إدارة المخلفات، والتوعية البيئية!  وشاركت الدكتورة ياسمين بنفسها في جمع البلاستيك من النيل. 🌍✨ وكمان كرّمنا صيادينا، العاملين في تدوير البلاستيك، والحرفيين في @VeryNile.Shop على مجهودهم للحفاظ على النيل! الفريق كله مبسوط و ممتن للخطوة دي! #Sustainable #Egypt  #CleanNile  #CircularEconomy

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  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    The Nile is a generous giver… 💙
It gives us stories, brings us together, and fills our days with life. 🌊✨
And this year, on February 22nd, we’re giving back—with a bigger Nile Parade on Qursaya Island! 🎶 What started as a local project by @roger.anis for the island’s residents is now growing into a celebration open to more people, thanks to @crtve.development.  Join us for a day of art, music, and love for the Nile! 📍 Save the date & stay tuned for more details—we can’t wait to have you onboard! !النيل دايمًا بيدينا.. ☀️ دايمًا بيدينا مشاعر دافية و إحساس إننا في بلدنا، مهما بعدنا دايما عارفين اننا هنرجع نلاقيه لسة عايز يدينا أكتر بكتير ما احنا بنديه.. ✨ دايمًا بيدينا ذكريات مليانة حياة.. زي بالظبط ما هو بيدينا الحياة نفسها. 🌍💙 والسنة دي، في ٢٢ فبراير، هنرجع للنيل بحاجة مختلفة—موكب كبير بيحتفل بيه وبالناس اللي بتحبه، في قلب جزيرة القرصاية. 🎶 المشروع بدأ مع @roger.anis لسكان القرصاية، والسنة دي، بدعم @crtve.development، بنوسع الدائرة ونفتح الأبواب لكل اللي عايز يكون جزء من الاحتفال. من ١ لـ ٦ مساءً، استعدوا ليوم مليان فن، موسيقى، وحب للنيل! 📍 استنوا تفاصيل أكتر قريب، و فضوا نفسكم اليوم ده علشان تكونوا معانا في المهرجان! #TheNileParade #مهرجان_النيل

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  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    It was our pleasure hosting SEAQUAL INITIATIVE's team last week in our hub on Cairo's Qursaya Island along with José Antonio and Marian from Grupo Maya! 🌍🌟 Maya is a company in Spain that uses our PET plastic- collected from the Nile in collaboration with local fishermen! ♻️🍃🙏🏼 The team of creatives alongside our own marketing team documented the whole process of turning waste into something we can use in our daily lives; a process that leads to a more circular economy and saves the environment! We really appreciate SEAQUAL INITIATIVE & Grupo Maya 's efforts and we at VeryNile believe that our mutual interests and collaborative efforts can really save our water every where on earth! #StartLocally #SaveTheEarth #CleanTheNile

    مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏SEAQUAL INITIATIVE‏

    ‏٥٬٢٣٢‏ ‏متابع‏

    🎬Last week, we were in Cairo documenting the journey of plastic waste: from its collection by fishermen in the Nile, sorting with the help of VeryNile and the shredding and cleaning of bottles (SEAQUAL MARINE PLASTIC), to its transformation into monofilament, which Grupo Maya uses to produce their brooms. 💙A heartfelt thank you to Alban, Menna, and the entire Very Nile team for your warm hospitality. You made us feel right at home. And to José Antonio and Marian from Grupo Maya for bringing this project to life. We’ll be sharing the full video with you soon!✨

  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    We’re proud to have Cemex as a key partner in our mission to protect the Nile and empower local communities through VeryNile's various projects in Cairo and Assiut! Through our collaborative efforts we’re driving a more circular economy, ensuring waste is collected, repurposed, and ends where it belongs 🌍♻️

    مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏Cemex EMEA‏

    ‏٤٬٢٣٩‏ ‏متابع‏

    At Cemex EMEA, supporting initiatives that can leave a lasting impact on the environment and our communities are at the forefront of our mission to build a more sustainable future ✅ Across our region, we contribute to various initiatives, including VeryNile, which aims to remove waste from the River Nile and empower communities in Egypt. Since launching our partnership with VeryNile in 2022, Cemex has helped to collect over 570 tons of waste from the Nile through multiple activities, including employee volunteering. Some of the waste materials collected have then been repurposed as alternative fuels at our Assiut Cement Plant ♻️ The partnership has also helped to launch a youth football academy and create 360 job opportunities, including for women on Qursaya Island near Cairo, who have repurposed collected plastic bags as commercial items such as baskets and pouches 🧺 Find out more about the impact of the partnership here ⬇️ https://brnw.ch/21wQsMI Cemex Egypt #circulareconomy #communities

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  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    🌿✨Reintroducing Papyrus to its natural home on the Nile! With the support of CMA CGM, our latest initiative in Busra, Asyut, is bringing back the papyrus plant—a species that once thrived along the Nile but has been missing from its natural habitat. This effort is not just about restoring biodiversity; it’s about creating a sustainable balance between nature and the local community. By involving fishermen and farmers in the planting process, we’re fostering a deeper sense of ownership, environmental awareness, and economic opportunities. From shoreline protection to fish habitat restoration, the impact of this initiative extends beyond conservation—it directly supports the livelihoods of those who depend on the Nile! The planting process is being done with subject matter experts at Kanu in collaboration with the local fishermen community. 🌱 Stay connected as we track the growth of the papyrus and continue working towards a more resilient ecosystem! #Sustainability #Biodiversity #VeryNile #CMA_CGM #EcoRestoration #CommunityEngagement

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  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    At VeryNile’s Community Clinic, we believe health belongs to everyone. That’s why we’re not just offering care—we’re building a space where we can Qursaya’s residents to become healthcare providers and take charge of their well-being. Through accessible healthcare, telemedicine, and educational initiatives, we’ve partnered with the people of Qursaya to overcome challenges and create a model of healthcare by the community, for the community. 🙌 Together, we’re proving that when communities own their health, sustainable change is possible! 🌿 صحتنا في إيدينا: رحلة بقيادة مجتمعنا 🌟 في عيادة فيري نايل المجتمعية، إحنا مؤمنين إن الصحة مسؤوليتنا كلنا. علشان كده مش بس بنقدم رعاية صحية، إحنا بنبني مكان يخلي سكان القرصاية يلاقوا حلول بديلة عشان يهتموا بصحتهم. من خلال خدمات طبية متوفرة، الرعاية عن بُعد، ومبادرات توعية صحية، قدرنا نتعاون مع أهل الجزيرة عشان نتخطى التحديات ونخلق نموذج للرعاية الصحية بقيادة المجتمع ومن أجل المجتمع. 🙌

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  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    🌟 Exciting News! 🌟 For the second year in a row, VeryNile.Shop will be showcasing at Spring Fair & Autumn Fair Birmingham from February 2nd to February 5th! 🎉 We're bringing our passion for sustainability with upcycled and recycled products and materials. This year, we're not just showcasing our end products – we're also offering recycled essentials that can seamlessly integrate into your creations, helping you take your products to the next level! 🌍✨ We can’t wait to connect with like-minded individuals and businesses committed to innovation and sustainability. 💬 📩 Want to schedule a meeting with us in advance? Reach out to Amira@verynile.org & Hana@verynile.org – we'd love to hear from you! Let’s make a difference together. See you at SpringFair! #Sustainability #Upcycling #RecycledMaterials #SpringFairBirmingham #VeryNile #Innovation #Collaboration

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  • مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏VeryNile‏

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    متعودش عينك على المنظر ده.. عشان هيكبروا فاكرين إنه طبيعي 🙏🏼 إحنا بدأنا ناخد خطوات إيجابية للتغيير و التوعية، و شايفين ان كلنا كأفراد في المجتمع لينا دور عشان ميبقاش التلوث هو العادي! نحب نشكر شركة أسمنت أسيوط على مساعدتنا في محاولة حل مشكلة إدارة المخلفات في أسيوط. ♻️🌍🍃 We started taking action, making change and raising awareness as we go. Waste management is a serious step that is essential to our day-to-day lives. Creating and sustaining a waste management system can be challenging specially with lack of awareness and resources! Awareness starts with you! Do not normalize this scene! Special thanks to Cemex Egypt for their efforts in helping us research and resolve the waste management issue in Asyut

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  • أعاد VeryNile نشر هذا

    مشاهدة صفحة منظمة ‏DROSOS FOUNDATION‏

    ‏٩٬٨٥٠‏ ‏متابع‏

    What an inspiring week in Egypt!💡Our board members spent last week in Cairo and its surroundings to meet with partners, visit projects, connect and exchange with various stakeholders and deepen their understanding of the context our team is working in. The week kicked off through setting the scene with the team in our office in Maadi, as well as an overview and discussion about the current context and relevant sectors for our foundation together with eminent subject matter experts. During the following days, our board visited a range of projects covering different, often intersecting themes ranging from heritage preservation, future skills, income generation, social entrepreneurship, inclusion and creative industries. The opportunity to engage directly with our partners and projects’ participants, while experiencing the local settings firsthand, was both insightful and greatly appreciated. Besides the project visits, our board members took part in the “Creativity Shaping Impact” event hosted by DROSOS FOUNDATION and Nahdet El Mahrousa at the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM), where various of our partners exhibited their work. They also met with Dr. Andreas Baum, Ambassador of Switzerland to Egypt and other distinguished stakeholders and enabling partners. Further, our board members participated in two roundtable discussions, where experts and our programme managers presented current approaches of Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation (MEL) as well as the impact of the creative industries on the economy. It was a week rich of learning, insights and exchange! On behalf of the entire DROSOS team and Foundation Board, we would like to express our gratitude to the partners who hosted us (San3a Tech, VeryNile, Nawaya Egypt, Megawra - Built Environment Collective, Dawar Arts & Development, UN-Habitat Egypt and Nahdet El Mahrousa), the experts who joined our round table discussions as well as all the partners who exhibited at the GEM and the guests who joined the event, for their time, insights, engaging discussions and the warm reception. #GEM #BuiltEnvironmentCollective #Egypt #SocialImpact #Learning #Exchange #DrososFoundation

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