26 Nov 2024
 | 26 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

A Time-Dependent Three-Dimensional Magnetopause Model Based on Quasi-elastodynamic Theory

Yaxin Gu, Yi Wang, Fengsi Wei, Xueshang Feng, Andrey Samsonov, Xiaojian Song, Boyi Wang, Pingbing Zuo, Chaowei Jiang, Yalan Chen, Xiaojun Xu, and Zhilu Zhou

Abstract. The interaction between the solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere is a critical area of research in space weather and space physics. Accurate determination of the magnetopause position is essential for understanding magnetospheric dynamics. While numerous magnetopause models have been developed over past decades, most are time-independent, limiting their ability to elucidate the dynamic movement of the magnetopause under varying solar wind conditions. This study introduces the first time-dependent three-dimensional magnetopause model based on quasi-elastodynamic theory, named the POS (Position-Oscillation-Surface wave) model. Unlike existing time-independent models, the POS model physically reflects the dynamic responses of magnetopause position and shape to time-varying solar wind conditions. The predictive accuracy of the POS model was evaluated by using 38,887 observed magnetopause crossing events. The model achieved a root-mean-square error of 0.768 Earth radii (RE), representing a 18.7 % improvement over five widely used magnetopause models. Notably, the POS model demonstrated superior accuracy under highly disturbed solar wind conditions (24.9 % better) and in higher latitude regions (28.7 % better) and flank regions (35.2 % better) of the magnetopause. The POS model's remarkable accuracy, concise formulation, and fast computational speed enhance our ability to predict magnetopause position and shape in real-time. This advancement is significant for understanding the physical mechanisms of space weather phenomena and improving the accuracy of space weather forecasts. Furthermore, this model may provide new insights and methodologies for constructing magnetopause models for other planets.

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Yaxin Gu, Yi Wang, Fengsi Wei, Xueshang Feng, Andrey Samsonov, Xiaojian Song, Boyi Wang, Pingbing Zuo, Chaowei Jiang, Yalan Chen, Xiaojun Xu, and Zhilu Zhou

Status: open (until 22 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3012', Anonymous Referee #1, 17 Dec 2024 reply
Yaxin Gu, Yi Wang, Fengsi Wei, Xueshang Feng, Andrey Samsonov, Xiaojian Song, Boyi Wang, Pingbing Zuo, Chaowei Jiang, Yalan Chen, Xiaojun Xu, and Zhilu Zhou
Yaxin Gu, Yi Wang, Fengsi Wei, Xueshang Feng, Andrey Samsonov, Xiaojian Song, Boyi Wang, Pingbing Zuo, Chaowei Jiang, Yalan Chen, Xiaojun Xu, and Zhilu Zhou


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Short summary
This study presents the POS model, the first time-dependent three-dimensional magnetopause model. The POS model captures the real-time movement and shape of the magnetopause with superior accuracy. Its concise formulation and fast computational speed make it suitable for future onboard satellite deployment, enhancing space weather forecasting capabilities and offering new methodologies for magnetopause modeling on other planets.