Hammersmith & Fulham adds electric bikes to its Veolia fleet

  • Hammersmith & Fulham Council, with Veolia, added 20 electric vehicles, including ecargo bikes and vans, to reduce pollution.
  • The electric fleet is expected to cut emissions by 89%, supporting the council’s goal of becoming the greenest borough.
  • A new garden waste collection service using electric vehicles will compost waste into high-quality fertiliser for reuse.

Hammersmith & Fulham Council extends its Veolia partnership to electric bikes to make waste collection even greener

The London council has added eight ecargo bikes to their fleet, bringing the total to 20 new EVs. The fleet also includes eight electric vans, three street-cleaning vehicles, and an electric refuse collection vehicle (eRCV). 

The new electric fleet is a key step in reducing air pollution in the borough. By replacing diesel vehicles, emissions of harmful pollutants like nitrogen oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (PM) will be cut by up to 89%. This supports Hammersmith & Fulham’s goal of becoming one of the greenest boroughs in the country.

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Councillor Sharon Holder, Hammersmith & Fulham Cabinet Member for Public Realm, commented: 

“Our waste team continues to ensure H&F’s parks and streets are safe and clean for residents, visitors and local wildlife. The new vehicles will help us go one step further as the waste team will now also be helping to reduce air pollution while they work.” 

The electric cargo bikes are designed to reach narrow streets, such as the Thames Pathway. They will help collect litter and tackle fly-tipping in hard-to-reach areas.

In addition, the council has launched a paid garden waste collection service. The waste will be collected by the new eRCV and taken to a composting facility, turning it into high-quality fertiliser.

Scott Edgell, General Manager for Veolia South London, said: 

“We’re thrilled to have successfully launched these electric vehicles in Hammersmith & Fulham. The new additions to the fleet will lower emissions and contribute towards Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s target of net-zero emissions by 2030, as well as delivering an improved and streamlined service for Hammersmith & Fulham residents. We’re proud to be leading the way for innovative and sustainable operations.” 

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