On 12 June 2023, a school principal, Rita Sokoy, surrounded by her students at Yayasan Pendidikan Kristen (YPK) Kanda Primary School in Waibu, Jayapura District, Papua Province Indonesia.

Leadership in education

Explore the latest annual 2024/5 GEM Report

Lead for inclusion: new regional report on Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia

Building on the 2024/5 GEM Report’s focus on leadership in education, the GEM Report has partnered with the Network of Education Policy Centres (NEPCs) for the 2025 regional edition on school leadership and inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia 

This report offers a comparative analysis of leadership practices for inclusive education, drawing from insights across education systems and in-depth studies in eight countries, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Poland, and Slovenia. It provides evidence-based recommendations to help governments and key stakeholders advance inclusion and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) across the region.

Eurasia cover image

Leadership in education

The 2024/5 GEM Report examines the requirements of good leadership in education and how they vary between countries and over time. 

Leadership is at the heart of quality education. There is a growing belief that educational leadership is the second most important factor, after teachers, explaining learning outcomes. Leaders at multiple levels matter, from those within the school, to those outside of the school such as middle managers, and including those outside of education systems in government, or those working on legislature and oversight. 

Download the full report, the summary versionexecutive summary, social media resources and visit the report page for more online resources.

Latest publications

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Spotlight on basic education completion and foundational learning in Africa

Meet the Spotlight children

All children are #Borntolearn. But so many never do. Visit our website which is dedicated to showcasing the education journeys of four school children in Africa, Godfred, Priscilla, Rougui and Pape. As part of the GEM Report Spotlight Series, this platform offers an exclusive glimpse into the lives of these young learners as they navigate their educational paths in diverse contexts.

Embark on a virtual journey as you explore the unique experiences, aspirations, and accomplishments of these remarkable children.

born to lean spotlight children

Most children who do not learn have completed primary education