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100 Landscapes of Japan (Heisei era)

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In 2009, in celebration of its 135th anniversary, the Yomiuri Shimbun formed a selection committee and, together with its readers, selected the 100 Landscapes of Heisei (平成百景). Three hundred sites were nominated and more than 640,000 votes were collected during the selection process. Sponsored by a number of leading companies and organisations, the initiative was supported by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.[1]

Landscape Prefecture Image
Okhotsk (流氷) ice floes Hokkaidō
Kushiro Wetland (釧路湿原) Hokkaidō
Shiretoko (知床) Hokkaidō
Asahiyama Zoo (旭山動物園) Hokkaidō
Hills in Biei (美瑛の丘) Hokkaidō
Hakodate Night View (函館の夜景) Hokkaidō
Nebuta Festival (ねぶた) Aomori Prefecture
Hirosaki Castle (弘前城) Aomori Prefecture
Shirakami mountain range (白神山地) Aomori Prefecture
Akita Prefecture
Lake Towada, Oirase River (十和田湖・奥入瀬川) Aomori Prefecture
Akita Prefecture
Hiraizumi (平泉) Iwate Prefecture
Kakunodate (角館) Akita Prefecture
Yama-dera (山寺) Yamagata Prefecture
Mount Zaō (蔵王) Yamagata Prefecture
Miyagi Prefecture
Matsushima (松島) Miyagi Prefecture
Aizu-Wakamatsu (会津若松) Fukushima Prefecture
Ōuchi-juku (大内宿) Fukushima Prefecture
Oze (尾瀬) Gunma Prefecture
Fukushima Prefecture
Niigata Prefecture
Nikko's shrines, temples, and Japanese cedars (日光の社寺・杉並木) Tochigi Prefecture
Hobikisen boats on Lake Kasumigaura (霞ヶ浦の帆引き船) Ibaraki Prefecture
Kusatsu Onsen (草津温泉) Gunma Prefecture
Railway Museum (鉄道博物館) Saitama Prefecture
Kawagoe (川越) Saitama Prefecture|
Nagatoro (長瀞) Saitama Prefecture
Chichibu Night Festival (秩父夜祭) Saitama Prefecture
Sawara (佐原) Chiba Prefecture
Tokyo Disney Resort (東京ディズニーリゾート) Chiba Prefecture
Marunouchi (丸の内) Tokyo
Akihabara (秋葉原) Tokyo
Nihonbashi (日本橋) Tokyo
Tokyo Tower (東京タワー) Tokyo
Kaminarimon (浅草寺雷門) at Sensō-ji Tokyo
Shibamata Taishakuten, Yagiri-no-Watashi ferryboat (柴又帝釈天・矢切の渡し) Tokyo
Chiba Prefecture
Keihin industrial area (京浜工業地帯) Tokyo
Kanagawa Prefecture
Yokohama Minato Mirai 21 (横浜みなとみらい21) Kanagawa Prefecture
Kamakura (鎌倉) Kanagawa Prefecture
Hakone, Lake Ashi (箱根・芦ノ湖) Kanagawa Prefecture
Mount Fuji (富士山) Yamanashi Prefecture
Shizuoka Prefecture
Night view of Kōfu Basin (甲府盆地の夜景) Yamanashi Prefecture
Shōsenkyō gorge (昇仙峡) Yamanashi Prefecture
The Northern Japanese Alps (北アルプス) Nagano Prefecture
Toyama Prefecture
Gifu Prefecture
Gasshō-zukuri houses (合掌造り) Gifu Prefecture
Toyama Prefecture
Kamikōchi (上高地) Nagano Prefecture
Matsumoto Castle (松本城) Nagano Prefecture
Tsumago, Magome (妻籠・馬籠) Nagano Prefecture
Gifu Prefecture
Terraced rice paddies in Yamakoshi (山古志の棚田) Niigata Prefecture
Kurobe Dam (黒部ダム) Toyama Prefecture
Kanazawa (金沢) Ishikawa Prefecture
Eihei-ji (永平寺) Fukui Prefecture
Tōjinbō (東尋坊) Fukui Prefecture
Inuyama Castle and the 'Rhine of Japan' (犬山城と日本ライン) Aichi Prefecture
Gifu Prefecture
Nagoya Castle (名古屋城) Aichi Prefecture
Ōigawa Railway (大井川鉄道) Shizuoka Prefecture
Takayama (高山) Gifu Prefecture
Ise Grand Shrines (伊勢神宮) Mie Prefecture
Lake Biwa (琵琶湖) Shiga Prefecture
Enryaku-ji (延暦寺) Shiga Prefecture
Temples and shrines of Kyoto (京都の寺社) Kyoto Prefecture
Gion (祇園) Kyoto Prefecture
Amanohashidate (天橋立) Kyoto Prefecture
Ine no Funaya (伊根の舟屋) Kyoto Prefecture
Temple, shrines in Nara (奈良の寺社) Nara Prefecture
Hōryū-ji temple (法隆寺) Nara Prefecture
Mount Yoshino (吉野山) Nara Prefecture
Osaka Castle (大阪城) Osaka Prefecture
Nakanoshima (中之島) Osaka Prefecture
Tsutenkaku Tower (通天閣) Osaka Prefecture
Kobe Luminarie (神戸ルミナリエ) Hyōgo Prefecture
Himeji Castle (姫路城) Hyōgo Prefecture
Shirasaki Coast (白崎海岸) Wakayama Prefecture
Kōya-san (高野山) Wakayama Prefecture
Kumano Kodō pilgrimage route (熊野古道) Wakayama Prefecture
Nara Prefecture
Mie Prefecture
Pilgrimage of 88 temples in Shikoku (四国霊場八十八か所) Tokushima Prefecture
Kōchi Prefecture
Ehime Prefecture
Kagawa Prefecture
Kotohira-gū (金刀比羅宮) Kagawa Prefecture
Naoshima island (直島) Kagawa Prefecture
Whirlpools in the Naruto Strait (鳴門の渦潮) Tokushima Prefecture
Shimanto River (四万十川) Kōchi Prefecture
Dōgo Onsen (道後温泉) Ehime Prefecture
Tottori Sand Dunes (鳥取砂丘) Tottori Prefecture
Lake Shinji (宍道湖) Shimane Prefecture
Izumo Taisha (出雲大社) Shimane Prefecture
Kurashiki (倉敷) Okayama Prefecture
Atomic Bomb Dome (原爆ドーム) Hiroshima Prefecture
Miyajima (宮島) Hiroshima Prefecture
Kintaikyō (錦帯橋) Yamaguchi Prefecture
Akiyoshidai karst tableland (秋吉台) Yamaguchi Prefecture
Dazaifu Tenman-gū (太宰府天満宮) Fukuoka Prefecture
Yoshinogari Ruins (吉野ヶ里遺跡) Saga Prefecture
Nagasaki Peace Park (平和公園) Nagasaki Prefecture
Mount Unzen (雲仙岳) Nagasaki Prefecture
Kumamoto Castle (熊本城) Kumamoto Prefecture
Mount Aso (阿蘇山) Kumamoto Prefecture
8 hot spring resorts in Beppu (別府八湯) Ōita Prefecture
Yufuin Onsen (由布院) Ōita Prefecture
Takachihokyo gorge (高千穂峡) Miyazaki Prefecture
Sogi-no-Taki waterfall (曽木の滝) Kagoshima Prefecture
Sakurajima (桜島) Kagoshima Prefecture
Jōmon Sugi cedar tree (縄文杉) Kagoshima Prefecture
Coral reefs (サンゴ礁) Okinawa Prefecture
Taketomi island (竹富島) Okinawa Prefecture

See also



  1. ^ "100 Landscapes of Heisei announced". Yomiuri Shimbun. Retrieved 23 April 2011.