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News (892)
EU countries have updated their goals for the deployment of offshore renewable energy up to 2050 in each of the EU’s 5 sea basins, with intermediate objectives to be achieved by 2030 and 2040.
The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether public support that Poland plans to grant for a nuclear power plant in Lubiatowo-Kopalino is in line with EU State aid rules.
These RFNBOs will be imported and sold in the EU, contributing to the objectives of the EU Hydrogen Strategy, the European Green Deal, as well as of the REPowerEU Plan.
The European Commission has approved an estimated €9.7 billion Italian scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources.
Today, ACER publishes its Monitoring Reports on electricity infrastructure, and security of electricity supply respectively.

On an individual level, we all can continue to take small actions to save energy, reduce our energy bills, contribute to lower fossil fuel imports, and reduce CO2 and methane emissions.
Today, the Council approved conclusions on promoting geothermal energy, which is energy generated from the natural heat of the earth’s interior.

The first Projects of Energy Community Interest (PECIs) have been adopted today at the Energy Community Ministerial Council in Vienna.
Officials from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy and the European Defence Agency have signed a grant agreement in Brussels today aimed at improving the energy performance of the defence sector.
Today, in the first week of its new mandate, the Commission is stepping up its efforts to boost net-zero technologies that are key to ensure the competitiveness of European industry while meeting agreed climate goals.