Tratar con un cliente que llama fuera del horario de atención para asuntos no urgentes. ¿Cómo se pueden establecer límites de manera efectiva?
Para mantener el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, es crucial establecer límites claros con los clientes que llaman para asuntos no urgentes fuera del horario laboral. A continuación, te explicamos cómo hacerlo de forma eficaz:
- Comunica tu disponibilidad estableciendo horarios de trabajo específicos y compartiéndolos con el cliente.
- Utilice los correos electrónicos de respuesta automática o los mensajes de voz para informar a los clientes cuándo responderá a sus consultas.
- Sea consistente en sus tiempos de respuesta para capacitar a los clientes sobre cuándo esperar su atención.
¿Cómo maneja la comunicación con los clientes fuera del horario laboral? Comparte tus estrategias.
Tratar con un cliente que llama fuera del horario de atención para asuntos no urgentes. ¿Cómo se pueden establecer límites de manera efectiva?
Para mantener el equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida personal, es crucial establecer límites claros con los clientes que llaman para asuntos no urgentes fuera del horario laboral. A continuación, te explicamos cómo hacerlo de forma eficaz:
- Comunica tu disponibilidad estableciendo horarios de trabajo específicos y compartiéndolos con el cliente.
- Utilice los correos electrónicos de respuesta automática o los mensajes de voz para informar a los clientes cuándo responderá a sus consultas.
- Sea consistente en sus tiempos de respuesta para capacitar a los clientes sobre cuándo esperar su atención.
¿Cómo maneja la comunicación con los clientes fuera del horario laboral? Comparte tus estrategias.
kidos n eldos😉 kindly let them know your work hours⌚ and suggest discussing such topics during that time⏰. You could say, “I value our collaboration and want to give my full attention🫡, but I try to keep after-hours for personal time. Let’s address this during work hours when I can properly focus🤹♀️.” Consistency is key🛏, so avoid responding to non-urgent calls or messages outside of your set hours. This way, they’ll understand and respect your boundaries 🧱over time.
First step is to know what your boundaries are - and you may actually be willing to take on urgent calls outside of office hours. Next step is to clearly communicate when you’re available and when not. Personally - and as I travel a lot across time zones - I always respond to urgent messages when I see them. However, if it’s not urgent, I’ll reply when I’m “back to work” and depending on the timings, I may send a quick message stating that I’ll get back to them when I’m back in office (plus sharing when that is) The balance for me is that the client feels supported and well taken care of, while non-urgent matters can wait until I’m back. Clear communication is key - so that your clients knows when they can expect your reply.
To effectively create limits, work with your client to develop clear communication standards. Explain your working hours and the necessity of maintaining a work-life balance. Consider arranging non-urgent concerns during business hours or sending an email for after-hours enquiries. Use an out-of-office message to confirm your availability. Provide alternative contact information or emergency measures for critical concerns. Set expectations by consistently adhering to these limitations. This strategy promotes professional respect and a good work-life balance, resulting in a happy and productive client relationship.
- Communicate your availability clearly upfront and include it in your contracts or agreements. - Politely explain your working hours and suggest alternative times for discussions. - Use voicemail or email autoresponders to manage after hours communication, responding only during work hours. - If the client persists, firmly but respectfully reiterate your boundaries and emphasize the importance of respecting them to maintain efficiency. - Lead by example by sticking to your set schedule, and consider scheduling regular check-ins to address concerns during appropriate times.
Boundaries aren’t just about saying no—they’re about setting the standard for how you work best. I’d make it clear upfront what hours I’m available and stick to it. If a client still calls after hours, I’d redirect politely but firmly, saying, ‘I’ll address this during my working hours tomorrow.’ Over time, clients will respect your time because you respect it first.