¿Te sientes abrumado por los eventos y oportunidades de networking?
Los eventos de networking pueden ser una mina de oro para las oportunidades si los abordas con la mentalidad y las tácticas adecuadas. Para transformar la ansiedad en oportunidad:
- Establezca metas realistas antes de cada evento, como conectarse con tres posibles contactos.
- Prepara un elevator pitch que resuma sucintamente quién eres y qué ofreces.
- Haz un seguimiento de nuevas conexiones dentro de las 48 horas para consolidar la relación y mostrar un interés genuino.
¿Cómo aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades de networking? Comparte tus estrategias.
¿Te sientes abrumado por los eventos y oportunidades de networking?
Los eventos de networking pueden ser una mina de oro para las oportunidades si los abordas con la mentalidad y las tácticas adecuadas. Para transformar la ansiedad en oportunidad:
- Establezca metas realistas antes de cada evento, como conectarse con tres posibles contactos.
- Prepara un elevator pitch que resuma sucintamente quién eres y qué ofreces.
- Haz un seguimiento de nuevas conexiones dentro de las 48 horas para consolidar la relación y mostrar un interés genuino.
¿Cómo aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades de networking? Comparte tus estrategias.
'Every cloud has a silver lining.' I would start by setting clear, achievable goals for each event, such as meeting one new person or gathering information about a specific topic. I’d prepare an elevator pitch and practice it to boost my confidence. During the event, I'd focus on listening more than speaking, asking open-ended questions to engage others. Post-event, I would follow up with new contacts to build lasting connections. Viewing each interaction as a learning experience rather than a performance can transform anxiety into opportunity, turning challenges into meaningful growth. Transforming anxiety into opportunity is all about preparation and perspective!
Feeling overwhelmed at networking events is so relatable! I’ve found that setting small, specific goals helps a lot—like aiming to connect with 2-3 people who share similar interests or values rather than trying to meet everyone. It also helps to remind myself that networking is about building authentic relationships, not just handing out business cards. Another tip that works for me is preparing a few conversation starters or questions ahead of time—it makes it easier to break the ice. And honestly, it’s okay to take breaks during events to recharge if things feel too overwhelming. I’d love to hear what strategies others use to navigate these situations!”
As an introvert, who used to masquerade as an extrovert, I quickly learned how important it is to set goals and realistic expectations around networking. A good start is to ask yourself “What am I networking for?” For me, I usually attend a max of one event a month and do my best to ensure it’s at a time where I have lots of energy, usually morning/earlier in the day. If I know who is attending, I research the people in advance and put a plan together for who I want to meet and what I want to say. This helps me to avoid exhaustion and having to think on my feet. The important thing to remember is you don’t have to go to every event. Lastly, check in with yourself afterwards. What worked/didn’t work and how can you adjust for next time.
1.) Show up early if you're an introvert, otherwise you'll walk into a crowded room full of conversations that are already underway. 2.) If you arrive to a packed house, be prepared to read body language to understand when others are ready and willing to receive you into their small group conversation. 3.) Be merciful when you see somebody standing all alone at a networking event---talk to them! We have all been that person. 4.) Don't go after "A" list guests and ditch your new acquaintances when you have the opportunity.
Un exemple me concernant : Des jours et des horaires dédiés, un planning défini, l‘optimisation des temps libres, le traitement par système de ticketing, et 💡prendre le temps de répondre de façon naturelle et humaine. Et ne pas se laisser envahir sur le plan personnel, et par les 🧯pratiques de type « robotisée ».
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